Chapter 17

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Looking in on the other side of the glass, you were still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. When you saw movement, Barry straightened. Harry held his gun a bit closer and Cisco and Caitlin stood guard. Your doppelganger pressed a hand to her forehead. The second she collected herself, she jumped upright. You can tell she was about to fire an attack, but that was halted by the blue restraints on her hands.

"You're not a metahuman, so I figured this cell wouldn't do much to hold back those nasty powers of yours. You were using your own energy to keep her hands bound.

"Who the hell are you, and why do you look just like me?"

"I am you."

Her tone held nothing but rage. That dangerous gaze was focused on all of you. Her posture only faltered when HR walked in. He slowed down when he was directly behind you, and you could see pain briefly flash past her eyes.


The way she said his name, it's almost like she's met him.

"You know him?"

Her gaze fell upon her hands, guilt written all over her face.

"I thought I imagined it...they lied to me."

"Who did?"

"The red lanterns."

She's just confirmed your suspicions. Walker had explained this all to you when you first received your power. The many forms of energies and lanterns allike. His warning to be careful now makes sense. But why had they sent your doppelganger? Surely they would have anticipated the both of you meeting face on. Unless that was the plan.

"They told me he was dead, on every earth. They said the blue lanterns were responsible for it. That even my doppelgangers helped." She looks so broken that it hurts to watch,

"I saw it with my own eyes, so how is this possible.."

Harry lowers his gun.

"It's obvious that whoever gave you that information has manipulated you. All of the doppelgangers from each earth aren't dead. We should be proof enough." HR shifts on his feet.

"On your earth, you lost someone." HR moves closer to the glass, and she stands moving towards it. Your shoulders are tense.

"I lost you." Her words are a shock to you.

"My husband was killed, the day that I lost him, I lost everything."

HR's gaze is sympathetic. You know he wants to help. This woman is the spitting image of you. Standing there looking back at this image, even if it wasn't truly you, it hurts.

"I joined them because I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill the people that took my husband away from me!" Her energy pulses, and you flinch. The cuffs on her hand fade, and you rush over to HR, standing protectively in front of him when you see the red glow over take her eyes.

"How do I know this is not a trick, that you're not trying to fool me!" She demands.

The rest of the team look about ready to fend off any attack, but HR clicks the button to open the cell and you panic.

"HR what are you doing she's dangerous!"

He doesn't look scared, and when she steps out, he reaches for her, taking her hand. Your ring glows, but you don't attack. You all just watch as the ruby color fades from her irises. She looks up at HR with so much care and pain.

"I'm sorry that you lost him."

That's what HR says. She sobs, running into his chest and HR returns the embrace, rubbing her back comfortingly. It's only when she leans back and places a kiss on his lips that your attitude changes.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT'S MY MAN!!" She parts, and HR looks a bit stunned. You fold your arms glaring at him. He just waves crazily.

"I-I didn't know she was going to kiss me!"

"You didn't push her away either!"

"S-She looks just like you!"

"I'm me, she's not!!"

The argument goes back and forth, and when you see a pulse of light rise from her chest, you step back, blocking HR from whatever was about to happen. You're astonished when the ring around her chest begins to change. The circular insignia is morphing. You're blinded by the light for a second. When it passed, she's no longer in a red suit, but a pink one.

"This is trippy..." Cisco mumbles.

She doesn't look surprised, so you can only assume that she knows what happened.

"Our power comes from our emotions. When I lost my Harrison I..I did a lot of awful things. Things I can never take back. This is who I was, before it all fell apart." You're absolutely amazed.

"It's love.."

She nods.

"The first time I was ever able to manifest my power, it was because of my husband. What I felt for him, it gave me strength. It turned my emotions into power." That sounds exactly the same as when you gained your power. At the time you wanted nothing more than to protect HR.

"Truthfully, I'm no longer worthy to wear this ring."

You're beginning to understand. You get it. If you'd lost HR, you can't guarantee that you wouldn't have gone dark as well. Grief and hate were powerful emotions. Ones that are dangerous..

"I understand how you feel." She looks up.

"I'm about to face the ones that hurt you, that took what you loved most. I can't say that I know how this will all turn out, or that I know what's waiting for me but if you had a chance to change it, Make up for all the things you did, would you take it?"

"I would." There is no hesitation.

"Then let's go save this planet and find justice for your husband." 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now