Chapter 19 -Final

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Getting back to your apartment that night, you have a lot to think about. You cast your gaze to HR.

"Are you getting the hang of it?"

You've just stepped inside. HR has slipped on the ring, but he still looks like he's trying to figure it out.

"I haven't been able to materialize a suit." You giggle.

"You'll get there. It takes time."

Yours came from the need to protect. When the time was right, so would HR's.

"HR, thank you."

He stops his little survey on the ring, now focused on you.

"If I'm being honest, the last thing I wanted to do is run off to fight in some war. Before I met you I guess I got used to being alone. The pain I carried with me after Eobard hurt consumed me. I made sure to keep myself separated. Even when I was a part of Team Flash, I wasn't. Not really. Then you came and..everything changed. I guess I just wanted to have this happiness for as long as I could. Even if it meant that there was a chance I wouldn't come back."

His eyes hold so much pain just at the mention.

"If I were to lose you I..that would break me. I know that for you it's exactly the same. Selfishly I wanted to be the one giving a sacrifice, rather than losing it this time around."

"Nothing is going to happen to you."

There's not a speck of doubt in his words.

"To either of us. We'll stop this war and come back stronger than ever. I believe that." He takes your hand, leaving a kiss on your knuckles. You smile.

"So do I."

HR looks a bit more reassured.

There's no guarantee what the future is going to hold. But you know as long as you have HR, then it would be much easier to handle.

You're fortunate.

The next morning is nothing but goodbyes.

Team Flash is situated in the cortex, and Cisco has already opened the portal. Your suit is shining in the room.

"I can't believe you're leaving us. I'm used to you taking trips. But this time feels like goodbye." Barry says. You can only offer a smile.

"I'm going to be back as soon as I can, and I won't be alone." You look over at HR who's standing right by your side. Harry takes a step forward.

"Please come back safely."

When you both first met, it was a little messy for obvious reasons. His personality was hard to get used to sometimes. But the both of you had gotten close. All of the people that stood here, they were your family.

"I'll do my best."

He pulls you into a hug, and you do your best not to let the tears flow.

"I love you (Y/N)."He says.

The words are like the breaking point, and you squeeze him tighter.

"I love you too Harry. I love all of you so much."

It's never been easy. Bouncing back from Eobard's betrayal. But his wounds had left a lot of room for you to grow. To love. When you pull back, Harry wipes your cheeks with a smile, leaving a kiss on your forehead. Of course the rest of Team Flash can't resist.

"Group hug!!"

HR yells.

Everyone laughs, joining in.

It's incredible how far you've come.

When you pull back, you take HR's hand and you both step towards the breech.

"Until next time." HR salutes.

Barry and the others wave. Cisco is wagging his lollipop. Harry adjusts his glasses and both Caitlin and Iris are wiping at their eyes. You give HR one last look as you both step inside.

You aren't sure what's waiting for you on the other side.

But, you have someone explore this new adventure.

That's all you need. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now