Chapter 8

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Six Years Ago

Hands cuffed, you stare blankly at the wall. It has been maybe a few days. From the second he took you, you'd been trying your best not to show too much. It was difficult when you were clearly scared of the time traveling speedster.

Eobard is standing over at the entrance of the room. You have no idea why he'd taken you. He had pretty much won. Barry and the others had already discovered his identity, so it's not like you could provide inside information. Wherever he'd taken you was obviously off Team Flash's radar. The room was well kept, you could have been anywhere.

"Hope you're getting comfortable."

He walks over, and you raise your guard when he takes a seat on the bed. You jest back, closing your eyes, body shaking. You aren't sure what to expect. When his hand touches your cheek, you look up, terrified. You expect that cold look, the one he wore when he confronted Barry. But something about his eyes is almost caring.

"As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt you." That just adds to your distress.

"What is it that you want!" You feel so helpless. You weren't a meta. There was no way to defend yourself against him.

"I just want you."

He leans in and you turn your head. Eobard grabs your shoulders, and this time, you're adamant on showing no fear. At least you try.

"You're a monster..n-no matter what..I'll never love you. I'll never join you. S-So you might as well just k-kill me now!!"

It's reckless to taunt him, but what else could you do. You'd sooner die than let him toy with you. Apparently those words aren't what he wants to hear.

"That can be arranged."

His eyes glow that devilish red, and you hold your breath when he lifts his hand. You gasp, because it all seems to happen so fast. You blink, and when you look down, that hand is lounged in your chest. You let out a staggered breath, and he pulls his hand out, your body falling back on the bed. Eobard grunts.

"What a waste, you were a brilliant scientist. We could have rewritten history."

He walks away, watching the single tear that streams down your cheek. Eobard tilts his head, because you blink.


The glow that sparks in your chest confuses him.

"All will be well."

The voice behind him startles him more.

"That's impossible!"

Eobard can't fully comprehend what's happening and he isn't able to do much but watch as a blue ball forms around your body. It levitates, shooting right out the window with you in tow. When he turns around to follow, another light hits him right in his chest. Eobard is momentarily caught in a glowing prison. The second his eyes open, the barrier is gone, but so is that voice, and you.


"All those years ago, that power was inside of you just waiting to be activated. Could you believe I had something so powerful under my wing without the knowledge. I suppose it is poetic justice." 

Eobard speaks from behind the glass.

Team Flash has gathered. Everyone was still a bit unclear of what exactly took place. To make things a bit more complicated, there was a hologram of what looked like an alien right at your side. Barry figured since you didn't seem threatened by it, then that was a good sign. If anything, that figure had saved them all. Iris hadn't left Barry's side since she confirmed he was okay.

"Got nothing to say?" Eobard challenged.

Even behind the barrier he was still trying to be in control.

"You hold quite a bit of rage, Eobard Thawne." Walker's words make you turn.

"You feel it, his speed force?"

Walker nods.

"I can, so can you." 

He points to the ring, and you look down at your palm. Lifting your hand, you're a bit shocked at the suit that instantly materializes. Cisco jumps back, and the rest of them stare. The black and blue outfit has you gaping. Even Eobard is gazing at it in interest. There's a circular insignia right at the center of your chest.

"This is mad awesome!" Cisco sounds very excited.

"This is incredible..." You say wistfully.

"You've transitioned very easily. I was concerned after the injury you faced that the process would have been delayed. " Your fingers run over the feel of this suit on your skin.

"All those dreams, I sort of thought I was going crazy." Walker shakes his head.

"It was the only way for me to complete your change. Initially, I was called to you before. While you were recovering. I could not take the chance. When you were fully healed I contemplated letting you live your life without the knowledge of this. Humans are strong, but you'd suffered so much at the hands of this man. I was worried the burden of this power would bring nothing but pain to your life. I am usually very objective when it comes to the individuals chosen. But I felt somewhat protective of you, responsible. Had I been there in person, maybe you would not have endured so much."

"You saved me."

He shakes his head. "I did no such thing. You saved yourself." The holographic hand is placed on your shoulder, and Walker smiles at you.

"Can you just send me back, this sappy reunion is disgusting." Eobard mutters. 

"Shut up Thawne." You say it with no hesitation, and he raises a brow.

"Acting all high and mighty because you got a little power boost. "

You remove the ring, and the suit retracts. Eobard watches as you click the button, and they all go into fight mode as he steps out. He's still cuffed, but this is Eobard after all.

"I believe you misunderstood Eobard Thawne." Your eyes are closed at Walker speaks.

"The ring does not make us powerful." Your eyes flicker open, and they are all taken with the blue hue of your irises.

"We make the rings powerful."

Eobard swallows, because a part of him can feel the sheer energy that is bouncing off your body. His frown deepens.

"You're naive, we could have been unstoppable."

You just send him a smile.

"I am unstoppable. But not because of the power." You turn back to the team. 

"Because I've always had a family here, and I'll do everything I can to protect them." 

You never imagined the day would come that you'd stand up to the speedster who had caused you so much heartache.

Now It feels easy. 

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now