Chapter 6

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"Get the meta cuffs!!"

"On it!!"

HR grabs it, throwing it to you. Jumping, you catch the gadgets, right before the shadowed figure has a chance to grab a hold of you. Tumbling to the floor, you cuff the unconscious male. The shadow retracts back into his body almost instantly, and his eyes snap open. 

He jumps upright in shock.

"D-Did you stop it!!" 

He asks frantically. You helped him to his feet, nodding with a smile. Barry rushes into the cortex with another man, and this one is less than cooperative.

"You're an idiot Gabriel!! You could have been rich!!" 

His screams continue, and Gabriel lets out a breath, looking more than a bit shaken.

"I'm ready." He says. Barry nods.

"You did the right thing. " Barry says to Gabriel. The criminal Barry holds is still fighting.

Gabriel looks sad.

"I'm sorry things turned out this way brother."

Barry begins to lead the man away, and you help Gabriel, sending an appreciative smile to HR. He gives you a thumbs up.


"Well you guys wrapped up that one quick." Cisco comments.

"All thanks to BA and (Y/N)." HR praises.

"We didn't do it alone, HR. It was brave of you to volunteer as bait. " He brushes it off.

"Come on, all I did was run around and scream. "

"You should give yourself more credit. You were the one who figured out their abilities were linked way before the rest of us realized. You saved an innocent man from going to prison." 

Barry states. HR looks somewhat proud of himself. You know that he still doesn't see himself as much of a contributor to the team, but he was essential. It was nice that he was getting the recognition to help him believe more in himself.

"Always here to help."

You take a seat, and your eyes shift to the computers. For a brief second your vision goes blurry. A bright blue light flashes behind your eyes, and you furrow your brows.

"Not again." 

At first you'd brush of the little migraines. Then there were the weird dreams with some figure saying something you could barely figure out. It always disappears whenever you feel yourself get close. 

"You okay over there?" Cisco asks.

They all are now looking your way.

"Yeah, I think I took a heavier tumble than I realized." You joked.

"Let me check, you may have a minor concussion." Caitlin advises. You know she's probably right, but you've never been too fond of checkups.

"I'm fine, I've had much worse. I'll be okay." 

Standing, you do a little shuffle to prove your point. HR looks way more serious than he usually is. 

"Please let Caitlin check you out." 

His tone catches all of them off guard. Barry and Cisco exchange a look, because it's possibly the first time he's sounded so serious. It's clear to see that he's worried.


You turn to Caitlin, and she takes a moment to gather her wits.

"A-Ah right this way." 

You follow and HR's eyes don't leave your form until you're out of sight. He still stands there, a distant look in his eyes. Neither men standing there say a thing. Harry is the one who walks in.

"Why are you standing around gazing into space like an idiot?" 

He'd been at Earth 2 for a few days, so Barry takes it upon himself to fill Harry in on the events that have transpired. Harry doesn't waste a second, he's already heading to look for you. There's a noticeable change in HR expression at the urgency Harry shows. Cisco marks every brisk change.

After your little check up, and Harry's insistent questions, you slip your jacket on. HR walks into the med area, drum sticks in hand.

"The nuggen feeling better?" He makes a little gesture, and you nod.

"Nuggen all good."

HR nods, but it still looks like there is something on his mind.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"I'm not worried, you're a tough nut. Nothing can really hurt you. Think I'd be more worried if I was the one going against you." He chuckles, and you smile at him.

"You did really well today, HR."

He waves you off.

"Yeah right, BA was just being nice."


Your voice is flat, and he looks up.

"It's not about having powers, or even being super smart. The reason we all work so well together is because we have each other's backs, no matter what. Today, you were there. You had my back, that's why in the end I know we'll always win."

It appears that your words have gotten through to him.

"Now let's go, we have another training session. You need to work on your throws."

You laugh at his exaggerated groan.

HR Harrison Wells (Flash)Where stories live. Discover now