Chapter 1 - New Years Eve

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"Welcome back to a gorgeous race day in Monaco, Isla Rowley continues to lead today's Grand Prix with only 7 laps remaining. Max Verstappen is close behind her, they are entering the chicane, the only place in this Monaco Grand Prix where it is a possibility to be overtaken. Max is close behind and activating DRS, the gap is narrowing. They head into turn 12 and..."

There is silence from the F1 Commentator, and deafening silence in the once buzzing streets of Monte Carlo.

In the corner of turn 12 a burst of flames erupts from the track, along with the sound of scraping and crushing of metal on the concrete streets and barriers. The once festive onlookers faces drop in shock and disbelief.

The commentator comes back on "There has been a major collision on the track. I repeat, there has been a major collision on the track"
"It seems Max Verstappen has made contact with Isla Rowleys back tire in his attempted takeover in turn 12. Safety Car has been dispatched as always our cameras will remain a respectful distance from the crash"

And a hush falls over the commentator again.

"3,2,1... Happy New Year" exclaimed Isla as she held up a glass of champagne cheersing her friends on the banks of the Thames river. As fireworks exploded in the air above, Isla smiled at her friends and took a quick swig of her drink.
They were out exploring the crisp winter air without a care in the world, because the alcohol from the fun night at the pub gave them the liquid courage to brave the cold London night.

"So what did you all wish for this new year?" Bridget Leer eagerly asked, looking at her three friends who were sitting in the wet and dewy late night grass.

Eric Rowley, Isla's brother, leaned over and quickly kissed Bridget on the cheek. He grinned "I wished to be with you another year" he said sweetly.

"Oh get a room you two!" Laughed Will Byrd as he threw a handful of plucked grass at his two friends who just recently made the leap from friends to more than friends.

"You're just jealous Will" exclaimed Eric as he continued to laugh "I also hope our Formula 1 podcast takes off this year" He replied as he nudged Will in the ribs

Will nodded in agreement "Oh definitely, I wished for the same thing, this thing is going to gain some traction this year, I can just feel it" smirked Will.

"Well how about you Isla? What was your wish for this year?" beamed Bridget, Islas' best friend since primary school.

"Same as always, upgrade from racing in F2 to F1 this season. It just doesn't look like it is in the cards for this year" Isla said wearily.

"Crazier things have happened" Eric chimed in
Isla rolled her eyes "You are obligated to say that Eric, you're my brother"

"Things have been a little stale in F1, I can see a team going for a female racer to mix things up a bit" Eric said matter of factly.

"Well I wish that was the case, it is now technically January" Isla stated "Testing begins in February, there is no way a team will pick up a new driver this close to the start of the season" . Isla continued. "I need to prove myself and quickly try for a promotion to F1 next season"

"Christ, even our old 'pal' Rusty Russell has made the upgrade from Williams to Mercedes" Eric Laughed as he made air quotes around the word Pal.

"Oh don't ruin the night by bringing that guy up" defend Bridget

Isla looked at the ground "Let's not go there tonight" she muttered.

"I hate to be a buzzkill, but I'm starting to freeze" shivered Will.

"Let's get you all home before you freeze, we can't let our star F2 driver get frostbite before the season starts" Bridget says as she helps Isla stand up. She gives Isla a sympathetic and knowing smile. Isla sheepishly smiled back to her friend. Knowing that Bridget was the one friend that actually knew Islas true feelings about what happened with George Russell.

They all clamour into a cab headed back to Bridget's flat.

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