Chapter 9 - Date?

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Look who it is!" George said laughing

"Hey you two" He said  "you guys are up and about early after our late night last night" he finished

"I had a yoga class booked for this morning, didn't realize I would have company" Isla said quickly and gestured to George.

"That explains the sweaty clothes" Charles laughed

"Well you are the one with the even later night last night" Said George "When did you even have a chance to meet someone last night?" He asked

Charles looked immediately at Isla, raised his eyebrows. Then back to George. "Long story he said, but when the person is that great, you have to move quick" he said smiling and quickly glanced at Isla, who was trying her hardest to not smile or blush.

"Isla, did you see who he left the bar with?" George asked.

Isla inhaled sharply

"Or did you not see Charles leave?" He continued

Thank gosh, he gave me an out, Isla thought to herself "I didn't see him leave, I was too busy following google maps to get home" she said smiling

"Charles, want to join us?" Asked George

"Uh, I better get going, have to meet my trainer soon" he said and started to walk away.

"Hey what about tomorrow night? A guys' night?" He asked as charles was walking away

"Oh, I have plans" he said casually

"No worries" George said and turned back to Isla

"Good to see you Charles" Isla smiled as he walked away and he turned around as he walked past George and winked at her. Her heart fluttered in her chest.

George and Isla finished breakfast and were just chatting when a fan of his came up and asked for a photo. He obliged and took a selfie. Isla looked away to try to avoid being the background of yet another photo. She didn't need anymore drama or speculation before this first testing weekend.

George was kind enough to pay for their meals, but Isla tried her best to not let him. "It's my pleasure," he said. "Oh question for you, has your phone number changed?" He asked

"It hasn't" Isla said and wondered why he would ask that

"Figured it would be easier to text you rather than messaging you through insta" He said

"Oh okay" she said still confused why "Well it was good to see you and catch up" She said as she started to walk back to her place.

"Isla! Wait, would you like to see each other tomorrow night?" He asked quickly

Isla smiled "I know it sounds crazy, but I already have plans for tomorrow night" she said

"Wow, I'm zero for two today, I guess I should really pack for spain" he said "See you on saturday in the paddock" He smiled

"See you then" she smiled and waved goodbye.

Isla continued her day with Heather doing some training at her apartment's gym. She came home and after a bit of some downtime she made herself some dinner and sat down to watch some tv.

Her phone vibrated, she picked it up and read the text.

George - Hey, see you at yoga tomorrow?

Isla - Yup, it's a great way to start the day!

George  -It is! See you there!

Isla smiled, she thought it was nice seeing George again and having someone that she had a friendship with before entering Formula 1.

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