Chapter 16

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The next morning Isla's eyes blinked open, she looked beside her, George was still here, fast asleep on her bed fully clothed. She shook him awake.

"What happened?" She asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

George sat up straight "Shit, we must have fallen asleep watching Top Gear"

They both started laughing "Like old times" Isla smiled

"Totally" He agreed

There was a knock at the door, Isla stood up and took a look through the peephole in the door. It was Heather, Isla took a deep breath and opened it a crack and stuck out her head to the hallway, "Hey Heather" she said quickly

"Isla! You are running late, we need to get going to the track" She said firmly

"I'll be right down, I'll meet you in the lobby!" Isla said hoping she would leave so George could leave without Isla having to deal with the backlash from Heather.

Isla threw on a pair of bicycle shorts and her team polo and jacket, she forgot George was in the room. He pretended that he wasn't looking, but Isla knew he was probably sneaking a look or two.

Isla went to check the peephole to see if Heather was still there, Isla let out a sigh "Heather is still outside" She said disappointedly

"What's wrong with that?" George asked.

"I'm in some hot water with the team, there was a video of us talking to each other between the motorhomes, people on social media are freaking out about it. I was told to be careful this weekend" She explained

"Nothing happened" He said defensively

"I'm aware, but that's not what it will look like when you come out of my hotel room" Isla said as her anxiety went up and her voice got a bit louder

"It will be fine," George said as he passed Isla and stepped out into the hallway.

"Hi Heather" George said

"Oh... Hi George'' Heather said back shocked and looked at Isla who was walking out the hotel room door as well.

Heather stepped closer to isla "Care to explain" She whispered in her ear as they three of them walked to the elevator.

"Nothing happened, we fell asleep watching tv after dinner with other drivers last night, that is all" she quickly said back before they stepped onto the elevator.

Heather just nodded her head and gave a stern look to Isla.

The group made their way to the paddock, scanned their passes and made their way to the respective motor homes. Charles was walking out of the Ferrari motorhome and started to walk towards them. "The same clothes as last night George, classy walk of shame Georgie boy" Charles said sarcastically as he walked past the group and towards the paddock entrance.

George stopped and turned around "Oi! Charles, what was that mate?" He said a little louder than expected.

"You heard me" Charles said over his shoulder, and he kept walking.

At that point, George started walking towards him. "Charles," he said louder.

Charles stopped and turned "Yes?" He said

"What was that comment?" George said stepping closer to him

"Exactly what I said. Walk of shame, you two had some fun after dinner, no judgment here" Charles said a bit aggressively

"I'm not saying anything about last night. What is your problem with Isla anyway?" George asked

"We just don't get along," He said louder. Now there was a crowd gathering around the group of them.

"I think it is because she beat your lap time, you are embarrassed" George challenged Charles

"That won't last long, we have one more session in the car today" Charles said as he turned and walked towards the gate where he looked back at Isla and made eye contact and winked. He turned back around, walked up to Charlotte who was now entering the paddock and gave her a big kiss for all of the paddock to see. The media went crazy and Isla could only turn around and quickly walk to the Alpha Tauri Hospitality.

Once again the tears were burning in her eyes and she stormed into the driver's area and ran straight into Pierre. He sort of caught her in a hug. Isla just stayed there for a quick second before realizing it was Pierre and it was getting a bit awkward. She stepped back and looked at him.

"What is going on? I heard some commotion outside, I was going to see what was happening" He said

Then George came running through the hospitality room. "Isla, are you okay?" He said, exasperated, then he looked up and saw Pierre. "Oh Hey Pierre" he said quickly.

"Oh wow, what happened last night??" Pierre asked, looking at George's clothes, realizing that was the same outfit as the night before.

"Just drop it" George said firmly
"Well, what happened out there?" Pierre gestured outside of the motorhome,

"Charles was being rude and then Charlotte showed up, and they gave everyone quite the show" George said

Pierre smiled "I guess my plan worked then" He said

"Sure did," Isla said angrily and walked by Pierre, shoving past him and knocked his shoulder. She left to the changeroom to get ready for the next practice session

"What is her problem?" Pierre asked George

"That's what I was trying to figure out last night" George said

"So you two are back together then?" Pierre asked curiously

"I think we may just be heading that way, after last night" George smiled slyly implying something happened between them.

"She is a great girl" Pierre said and he stepped closer to George "She is my teammate, don't you dare hurt her" he whisper warned

George just nodded and turned and walked out of the motorhome.

Meanwhile, Isla got ready and put on her racing suit and headed out into the garage. Where she was met by Heather.

"Care to explain" She said disappointingly

"Honestly I wish I could, but I can't, nothing happened, but if you don't know George and I dated back in HighSchool and University. We were best friends, so we caught up and watched top gear last night. Nothing happened, nothing will happen, he is just a friend" She explained clearly to Heather.

Just then Franz Tost, the team principal, came up behind the pair. "Isla! You are up first today, let's get you in the car and see if you can do the fastest lap again today." He smiled and patted her on the back

Heather gave her an encouraging nod and Isla walked off to get in the car. She got strapped in and started to pull out onto the pit lane to enter the track.

Isla was about to enter the track and then had to slam on the brakes. A ferrari had pulled out. "What the hell?" Isla yelled, forgetting she had the radio on

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