Chapter 8 - The Aftermath

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Isla quickly picked up her phone and took a look at all the notifications that kept rolling in.

First thing she saw was an incoming call from Bridget. Isla quickly answered when she made her way into her apartment.

"Hey" Said Isla

"GIRL" Bridget yelled so loud Isla had to pull the phone away from her ear

"What is going on?" Isla asked confused

"Open your instagram asap" Bridget squealed

Isla popped her airpods in so she could talk to Bridget while looking at her social media. The selfie Daniel took was everywhere, people were asking who the female was in the photo. Isla wasn't tagged in it so it sent people on a wild goose chase trying to figure it out. They quickly figured it out, and then she refreshed the app.

The photo of Charles and her kissing was posted everywhere. Since Charles was standing behind Isla and it was dimly lit people couldn't see who the female in that photo was. Isla was a bit relieved. She didn't need any extra drama when she was starting her debut in F1.

She then saw her DM's that were blowing up. She had messages from Pierre, Charles, her brother and many others.

She decided to see what her brother said.

Eric - Can you explain what is going on?

What do you mean? - Isla

Eric - You and the F1 drivers, you have only been gone for like 2 weeks and you are already the talk of the F1 news circuit.

I don't think I am - Isla

Eric - Keep telling yourself then, go answer all the other DM's I bet you have sitting and waiting for you.

Shut up, Night Brother ;) - Isla

Isla closed that conversation then moved to the next one: Charles

Charles - Hey, I see that photo is making its round already, has anyone figured out it was you?

Nothing yet, you can't see me in the photo, so I think I'm in the clear - Isla

Charles - In the clear?

I mean my instagram is already going crazy because people saw me in that selfie Daniel posted - Isla

Charles - Oh I understand, people may eventually figure out who else is in the photo though

Ya, maybe we could keep what happened between us a secret? - Isla

Charles typed then the bubbles disappeared

Just with me being new to the F1 circuit, it would be best to keep it on the downlow - Isla

Charles - I didn't think of it that way

Thanks, I appreciate it - Isla

Charles - I hope we can get another chance to see each other before testing in spain?

I would love that - Isla

Charles - Great, Thursday night?

Sounds great! - Isla

With that Isla moved onto the next DM which was from Pierre

Pierre - Looks like it was a fun night out, so you met the guys?

Oh it was! A bit too many drinks but it was fun to meet everyone - Isla

Pierre - Sounds like a good time. Charles said he had an awesome time. From the other photos I saw, it looked like it was a great night for him.

(Isla had to figure out how to avoid the topic, she decided to play dumb)
What do you mean? - Isla

Pierre - Oh you haven't seen the photo of him kissing someone? It is all over my Instagram.

Oh I haven't. Are you and Charles close? - Isla

Pierre - Definitely, he's probably one of my best friends, we grew up karting together in France.

That's awesome, it was nice getting to know him - Isla

Pierre - Did you see who he left the bar with?

No sorry, I didn't. I was the first one to leave - Isla
(She was sort of telling the truth she thought)

Pierre - Oh no worries, I'm just curious, like to give that guy a hard time.

Isla finished her conversations and realized Bridget was still on the other line. "Hey Bridget, sorry got caught up in some DM's there" Isla explained.

"I could hear your heavy breathing" Bridget laughed "Everything okay?" she asked.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Isla blurted out
"Of course, Always, you know that" Bridget said

"You can't tell my brother, promise?" Isla urged

"Cross my heart" Bridget said

"You saw that photo of Charles?" Isla asked

"Yes, wow. One lucky girl. Did you take that photo?" Bridget asked

"No" Said Isla

"Oh shit, GIRL!!!" Bridget said as it dawned on her "YOU KISSED CHARLES LECLERC?" she screamed.

"Yes" Isla said and her cheeks blushed red "Don't say a word" Isla said firmly

"Don't worry, but shit, was it amazing?" Bridget asked

"Yes, He is a sweetheart," Isla smiled. "I had to tell you that, but I have to go to bed. Have a yoga class early in the morning" Isla said as she said goodbye and got ready for bed.

The next morning, Isla climbed out of bed at the crack of dawn and made her way to the Hot Yoga studio down the street that Heather recommended.

She walked into the class and layed down her mat, sitting crossed legged waiting for class to start. Someone one came beside her and laid out a mat. She glanced over, of course she thought. It was George.

He looked over and smiled "Morning" he said

"Morning," Isla said. "How was the rest of your night?" She asked

"Fun, but honestly died down when you left" He winked

"Oh I can't imagine that" Isla smiled

"It's true, you got along so well with the guys" George smiled "It was nice to see you again, honestly. I have missed it" He said

"Thanks, It was nice to see you also" Isla looked down and then back up to George "I have missed talking to my best friend" She said looking George in the eyes

"I have missed that too, I have missed you" He said as his eyes lit up a bit.

Just then the instructor came in the room, class started so the conversation ended.

After class Isla sprayed down her mat, rolled it up and her and George left the studio at the same time.

"I'm going to grab some coffee and some breakfast, would you want to join me?" George asked

"That sounds lovely" Isla said

The pair walked down the street with their yoga mats and found a cute restaurant with seating on the patio. They leaned their mats against their chairs and sat down and ordered some coffee.

While waiting for their breakfast order. A voice from behind Isla said "Hey George!" She turned around. Charles was walking up the street towards them. He made eye contact with Isla and his eyes widened a bit.

Meet you in Monaco [F1 - Pierre Gasly / Charles Leclerc / George Russell]Where stories live. Discover now