Chapter 33 - The End ♥️

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Qualifying started and Pierre and Isla pulled out of the garages and did their first couple of laps. Then both were called into the pits. Isla sat in the car with the screen of data in front of her. She caught her breath and let her body calm down. 

"You have made it to Q2," her race engineer said through the radio.

"Great, can I ask about Pierre?" She said back

"He has also made it to Q2," He said quickly.

Isla stuck her hand out of the car and gave Pierre a thumbs up. "Woo," she screamed.

Pierre let out a holler from his car. The pit crew laughed, and then she was instructed to head out for Q2.

She raced around the track and when she got to the tunnel she let out an audible giggle.

"Everything okay?" her engineer came on the radio.

"Totally fine," She said as she smirked in her helmet.

She put in some great lap times and headed back to the garage.

"That is Q3" the engineer paused "For both you and Pierre" He laughed.

"Thanks" She laughed.

The final qualification session started and Isla was on her last flying lap, she noticed Pierre coming up behind her and gaining fast. She tapped the brakes on her car just for a split second. She thought it would be helpful for Pierre to lock in a good time now, so he could qualify higher to get a podium this weekend.

"What was that?" The engineer said right away.

"My foot slipped, I'm so sorry," She said.

"Okay, back to the garage, you need to change your tires and get back out to make up for that mistake," He said sternly.

"Copy," she said as she took the pitlane back to the garage.

She could hear cheering for Pierre's car, she smiled in her helmet and mentally prepared for the next laps.

Isla headed off back on track and put in some good laps, as she passed the checkered flag. Her race engineer came back on the radio "You have qualified P3, Pierre is P4" he said.

Isla smiled, he had a chance at the podium, which was the most important thing to her this weekend.

She got out of the car, and jumped out. Pierre was waiting for her and wrapped her in a sweaty hug. She pulled away, "Great job out there, my engineer was filling me in the entire time" She smiled.

"Nice to know my teammate has their eye out for me" He laughed as he nudged her.

"Second row of the grid tomorrow, not too shabby," She said as they walked towards the garage.

"Not bad at all, now I only need to podium to keep driving in F1." He sighed.

"You can do, I know it, I have a feeling," She said and she meant it, something about this weekend she knew he would have the opportunity to get the podium. She was confident about it.

They walked into the garage, Ivan and Heather were standing there with smiles on their faces. "Congrats you two!" Heather said.

Ivan shook Pierre's hand and patted him on the back. 

The pair headed back out to the walkway to head back to the motorhome. As they walked down the pitlane to the stairs Pierre took her hand, looked at her and winked. Isla blushed as they walked up the stairs and the crowd once again went wild. This time Isla stopped Pierre, pulled him in and kissed him, she then turned and walked away, leaving Pierre scrambling to catch up.

Meet you in Monaco [F1 - Pierre Gasly / Charles Leclerc / George Russell]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن