Chapter 20

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"George you are drunk" She said as Pierre walked back into the bar and gave one final look to Isla as he stepped inside.
George stumbled over and sat where Pierre was "I may be drunk, but I know I love you" He said loudly

"George, this is not the time or place to have this conversation" She said

"Rowley, Babe, I know I fucked up in the past, I want to make it right" He continued

"You have said that to me before, but like I said, don't do this here. This is not a good look for you, and you're making things weird for me. I don't want to be openly hit on by a fellow driver, in front of every single driver" She said loudly at George

He leaned in closer to Isla "But babe, what we had was perfect, I want that back"

"You had it, you fucked it up, you lost me, that isn't my fault" She said getting frustrated at the topic conversation.

He placed his hand on her cheek, She removed it quickly "George, don't." she said

"Okay, but can we please talk about us?" He said, as he placed his hand on her thigh.

"George, I have said no" She said firmly and moved his hand forcefully from her thigh.

He looked in her eyes and leaned in quickly, trying for a kiss.

At this point Isla had enough "George, that is enough!" She yelled "I said no"

He tried once more for a kiss. Isla then slapped him across the face, the sound of the slap echoed.

Isla stood up and turned to walk into the bar. But Pierre and Charles burst through the doors. Pierre went to get Isla, Charles turned his attention to George.

"What happened?" Pierre asked Isla as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and ushered her into the bar.

"I need to go," Isla said quickly as she removed his hand from her shoulder. She made her way towards the door, not trying to draw any attention to her.

"Isla it's late, you can't go alone" Pierre said as he followed her through the groups of drivers still mingling.

"I am a grown woman, I'll be fine!" She said over her shoulder as she approached the door.

"OH SHIT! George mate, you okay?" she heard Daniel say loudly as she stepped onto the street. She didn't look back, he was probably making a big deal out of the slap, and she would have to deal with that drama later.

"Isla!" Pierre had caught up to her as she walked through the streets of Barcelona, hoping she was going the right way.

"Want to talk about it?" He said as he matched her pace.

"Not really," She said and continued to walk down the street.

"Seriously Isla, that seemed heated" He said

"It was" she said

Pierre grabbed her arm to stop her and turned her to face him

She winced at his touch. "Why does everyone think they can touch me tonight?" She said, as she turned to walk away.

Pierre stood still shocked by what she said and he jogged to catch up with her. "He put his hands on you?"

"He did,  he was drunk and wanted to get back together. After many times of asking him to stop or to not have the conversation at the bar. He tried to kiss me a couple times and I slapped him." She said

"It was the only thing that could have gotten his attention, I think it was justified" Pierre said "He was quite drunk"

"I guess, I just hate all of this" Isla said as she slumped down on a bench.

Pierre followed and sat down beside her.

"What do you hate?" He asked concerned

"I hate the drama, it seems to follow me no matter what" She exasperated.

"Really? Lots of Drama?" Pierre asked further diving into the topic.

"Well you have seen it in the Media at our team meeting. Now George, more guy drama on top of all of the other stuff" She explained, then immediately regretted adding the part about the other guy drama.

"Other guy drama?" He said perplexed

"Long story" Isla said trying to avoid the subject

"We have time" He said

She sighed and took a breath "I broke up with a guy I had been seeing the other night," She said, trying to leave it as vague as possible.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" Pierre said sympathetically. "Look at us, two single people, working through breakups" He laughed

Isla half smiled at him, "The thing is, I really didn't want to end it. But I always just keep getting hurt by guys making stupid choices" she looked at the ground.

"I honestly don't know why anyone would hurt you" Pierre looked directly into her eyes.

Isla suddenly had butterflies in her stomach. She shook her head to get rid of them. She focused back on Pierre. "Thanks." She smiled and looked away to avoid anymore butterflies.

Isla's phone rang, she quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" Isla said

"Isla! Please tell me you aren't at the pub right now?" Heather asked quickly, without bothering to say Hi or ease into the conversation.

Isla looked at Pierre and raised her eyebrows "No, Pierre and I left maybe 20 minutes ago" She answered

"Oh good, best you head back to the hotel quick, Paparazzi are everywhere right now" Heather said

"Why?" Isla asked

"Just get back quick" She said

Isla hung up and explained what Heather said to Pierre. They stood up and walked quickly back to the hotel.

Heather greeted them in the Lobby. "Glad you two made it back in one piece"

"Why do you say that?" Isla asked concerned

Heather handed them her phone. "Take a look"

Isla and Pierre gasped when they saw the photo. It was a picture of George leaving the bar trying his best to hide a bloody nose and getting in a cab.

The pair looked at each other. "I couldn't have slapped him that hard," she said to Pierre.

PIerre shrugged, unsure of how hard Isla had actually hit George.

"What did you do Isla?" Heather said shocked.

"Oh" Isla said, forgetting Heather was there.

Pierre started to explain "George was very drunk and trying to make advances on Isla, and after multiple times of her saying no. He tried to kiss her and she slapped him"

She looked at Heather ''Uh yes, that's the gist of what happened"

"Us teammates got to look out for each other" he smiled and winked. "I was talking to Charles at the door and we were able to overhear everything, even before you told me on our way home," He added .

"I appreciate you keeping an eye out on her, especially when I can't have my eyes on her" Heather laughed.

"Oh, thanks for having my back" She returned his smile and the butterflies came bubbling up again. "I should really go to bed, my head is starting to hurt after all that drama and all the shots" She laughed.

"Goodnight" Heather and Pierre said as she headed up to her hotel room to go to bed.

The next day, Heather and Isla traveled back to Monaco. Isla was in a haze most of the trip thanks to the major hangover she had. She regretted drinking that much. She thought maybe the night wouldn't have ended the way it did.

She showed up to her apartment building and pushed open the big wooden doors. There was Charles, sitting on the same couch in the Lobby. He stood up when she entered. Isla noticed a bandage on his hand.

"Can we please talk?" He asked immediately.

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