Chapter 11 - Wanting Charles

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Isla walked towards charles.
Isla grabbed a seat next to him and slowly leaned her head down onto his shoulder.

The sudden pressure of Islas head must have woken him up, he looked down and saw Isla. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. Isla propped her head up and looked at him.

"Hey," she said with a big smile "I'm so happy to see you" she added

"You don't know how sad I was when you walked away" he said as he looked down at her

Isla straightened up, he was so forward with his emotions she thought. She smiled, "I did not like having to leave you like that" she admitted "also, Daniel may keep trying to get me to go on a real date" she added shaking her head

"He's a fighter" Charles laughed

"Don't worry though, nothing happened, and nothing will happen" she reassured him.

He smiled, "so you're saying... you sort of like what's happening here" he smiled

"You caught me" isla threw her hands up, like she was surrendering.

Charles placed his hand on the back of her neck and gently and slowly pulled her close for a tender kiss.

Isla could feel her heart start to race. God, this felt so good she thought. And she didn't want it to end.

They pulled away from the kiss, Isla was breathless and Charles noticed and grinned from ear to ear. "I can tell someone enjoyed that" he smirked

Isla playfully pushed his chest. Under his shirt she could feel his hard chest. Her heart started to race again. Her hand lingered on his chest and Charles pulled her in closer by wrapping his hand around her waist. He leaned in and kissed her even more passionately.

Islas head was spinning, she kissed him back and her hands started to explore his chest and back. This made Charles sink deeper into the kiss. One hand around her waist still, and the other hand on Islas thigh.

At the sensation of Charles' warm and strong hand on her thigh she inhaled sharply. And pulled away. She realized they were having a full on make out session in the lobby of her apartment building.

"Everything okay?" Charles asked quickly rubbing his hand through his hair

"Totally, uh that was amazing, but we are in the lobby of my building" Isla said as she looked around

"Oh right, I forget these things when I'm with you" he said

"I do too." She smiled

Isla wanted nothing more than to ask him to come upstairs with her, she wanted this to continue, she desperately wanted that. However, this was only the first date, she needed to slow things down.

She looked up at Charles "Thank you for coming to see me" She said "It made me very happy to see you, and wow that kiss was fantastic" she sheepishly smiled "I would kill for you to come upstairs with me, but I think it may be for the best that we don't do that tonight" she added

He looked at her and smiled. "I totally understand" He placed his hand on her knee again and gave it a small squeeze. "I care too much about you to take things too fast" He added reassuringly

Isla smiled, "I really appreciate that '' she took a breath in. "Also, I kind of liked acting like I didn't like you" She smirked.

Charles looked at her and his eyes glinted mischievously "Oh me too, that was far too much fun, it did take me a second to get used to though" He admitted

"True," She agreed. "Can I see you in spain?" She asked

"Definitely" He smiled "We just have to be a bit on the sneaky side" He said "Lots of the drivers will want to hangout this weekend. And I bet there will be team events we have to go to, but I'm sure we can find time, ''he added.

Isla smiled "I'm okay with being sneaky" she said "I think it's time for bed" She added and stood up.

Charles stood up as well and pulled her into a hug. Isla sank into his embrace and smiled.

"Goodnight mon cheri" He whispered in her ear, kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door. Isla was left standing there blushing. She headed up to bed. She couldn't wait until Saturday, so many emotions swirled through her head.

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