The Beginning of Eternity

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I caught up to Ashlynne almost immediately. I kept a steady pace next to her, and we didn't stop until the smell was far behind us. Eventually, we stopped. When we did, I leaned against a tree, while Ashlynne simply collapsed to the ground. I wasn't physically tired, but I was exhausted mentally. So many things had changed, and everything was so confusing. After several minutes of breathing heavily simply to gain out composure, Ashlynne looked up at me. The pain that was previously on her face had all but vanished. In it's place was panic, fear, and confusion. "What...was....that?" she asked me wearily. I just shook my head. I had no idea.In the distance, I heard a shout. I jumped to my feet and listened intently. "Lex... Alexandria! Come on!!" Chris. Screaming for Ashlynne to follow, I began sprinting. I left him! I left my little brother! This is insane! I'm such a horrible sister! "Calm down Lex!!!" Ashlynne screamed behing me.I glanced behind me in surprise, but kept moving. Oops. I had thought I was doing well at keeping my emotions hidden. Chris let out another cry. Shoving all thouhts from my head, I pushed myself even harder. The trees seemed to blur. Chris was close enough now that instead of following his voice, I followed his scent. I burst through the trees and stopped in shock.Standing befor me, my little brother was covered in blood. His pants were shredded towards the bottom and at the knees. His spider man shirt was hanging limp from his body. I stared at him in horror, trying to assess the damage and figure out exactly how hurt he wss.And then I realised that he wasn't hurt at all.Behind Chris, a large black bear layed on the ground. It's bones seemed to be completely crushed and it's head hung limp at an odd angle. Blood covered itr's fur... and Chris's mouth. I knew that I should feel repulsed and horrified... but I didn't. No. I felt excitement and thrill run through my veins. Behind me, Ashlynne stepped forward as well, then stopped and looked at me hesitantly.My mouth twitched. I looked at my siblings and let loose a huge grin and a slight laugh, letting them know it was okay. That grin soon turned to a predatory scowl, and the laugh turned to a snarl.I let go, and enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. **************************"Are we almost there?" Chris asked for the millionth time. Okay, so I'm exaggerating. It was the 19th time. But for five hours, that was a lot. We had been on our own for three months now. No mom, no teachers, no guardians...nothing. My siblings had come to rely on me for everything. Clothes, support, and they always asked my permission to stop and hunt. While we still argued, it was as if we had gotten much closer. We really trusted eachother."Yes" I answered. It was getting really annoying. Even calm Ashlynne was casting him frustrated looks. We had just traveled cross country. Even as vampires we were relatively slow. We stopped often. Every time we hunted I had to get us new clothes. Hunting alone could take up to three hours. And, while we may be incredibly fast now, I had learned quickly that Chris's short legs still slowed us down.Right away we had learned that it was far too sunny where we lived. Well, previously lived. Anyway, after doing some research I had finally found a place where the sun never seemed to make an apperance. It was all the way across America, but hey, we have eternity!After about 10 minutes, Chris opened his mouth again. "Yes" I said. He looked at me confused. I looked up and pointed in front of us. Ash and Chris looked up. Chris looked from me to the sign. Remembering that chris couldn't read, I smiled and read aloud," The City Of Forks Welcomes You. Population 3175"

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