Tortured and Humiliated

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Suddenly a man stood in the wolf place. He was tall... And naked. I looked down in embarrassment. Did these people... Things... Have no modesty at all? The man grabbed my chin roughly, pulling my face up to meet his eyes. After a quick glance at my face, he shoved me away and muttered, " golden." the boy holding me in place growled under his breath, & I felt the rumble on his chest. " Don't shove her around like that!"

The man turned towards us. "Shut up Seth!" Seth. The boy holding me in place was named Seth. Suddenly a girl came stalking out of the woods... What was this? I didn't understand... Who were these people... What are these people? The girl was different in the woman who ran from the house. The woman had scars and a natural beauty is her... This girl has hair cropped to her shoulders and seem to be made of muscles. This theory proved true when she grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward without any effort.

She looked me up and down and shove me away roughly. Well, what have been the point of that? Then, she announced loudly, "the leech l can't be any older than 11. Why she even bothers to wear a bra is beyond me." And with that she walked away. Seth yelled out in frustration, "Leah!" Oh. Now I understood. The point of that had been to humiliate me... Mission accomplished.

I was still trapped in seth's hold but that didn't stop me from struggling. He tightened his hold on me but I could tell he was trying not to hurt me... Why? They clearly didn't like me... At all. So, why hold me here like this? Was this like some holding someone in prison until the trial? Were they forcing me to wait in fear and suspension before an obvious decision was made I was sentence? Because as much as I didn't want to die... I would prefer to be quick rather than drawn out.

The man, who also appeared to be the oldest, walked from the scarred woman's side. He had a sense of power around him, as if he was in charge. I was sure that this was it. This man was going to deliver my death. I couldn't look my murder in the face, so I turned my attention to the woman. Her expression wasn't hateful... More like fearful with curiosity behind it. I shifted my attention to the child in her arms.

The little girl smiled at me. I smiled back, genuinely. As young as she was I would be forever grateful to see a smiling face looking at me kindly before... Well, before whatever was about to happen happened. The man was now standing right in front of me but I still didn't acknowledge him. And I wouldn't. If I was going to die, I would let them think that I was dying with no fear.

My hands were still restrained but I decided that I wanted to make this little girl laugh. I don't know why. Maybe it was my maternal instincts. Maybe it was all my years as a big sister. But I just wanted to make her happy before I died. I wanted to do for her what I could no longer do for Chris. Because I could not use my hands I did one of the simplest things I could do. I drew together water from the atmosphere and pushed it together.

A sphere of water flooded right in front of a woman and child. They both stared in wonder for a few seconds before the child giggled. She stuck her fingers through it and when it didn't break she screams with the light. I smile and made the water move in place, spinning it around Like the earth.

The man in front of me suddenly bent down. His face was inches from mine when he yelled "Stop looking at them!!!" I flinch back and the water fell. The girl looked at the wet ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me, expectantly. I just smiled at her and shrugged.

I wanted to throw fire. But I knew with my hands restrained my aim would not be very good, and I was unwilling to hit the little girl.

The man was still yelling at me. "Do you think this is a game? Do you have any idea what we're going to do to you? You little-"

"Samuel!" We all turn to the sound of the cry, except for Seth was pulling me away from the man frantically. The woman now had a hand on her hip, the child balancing on the other. "What is wrong with you?!" The man looked at her both guilty and surprise. The Wolves groaned. Was this... Normal? A woman yelling at a huge, naked man twice her size with rippling muscles? Because this was the first for me.

"Look at her! She is a child!" He slowly turned his head to me, annoyance clear on his face. He looked at the woman and said in a sickly calm voice, " Emily, she's a leech." The woman, Emily, glared at him "she. Is. A. Child. She did not ask the bus and she doesn't deserve to be tortured and humiliated by you!"

Whoa. Thanks, lady.

She turned to the man that had approached me earlier, the one who had thrown my head around... Not literally, of course. And you, Jacob! A memory from earlier stirred. A conversation with Renesmee.


As the onslaught of images abruptly ended I stumble back. Looking at Ash, I asked, "did you see that??" She nodded. "Who was that boy we kept seeing?"

Renesmee smiled happily.. "That's Jake, Jacob Black... he's my best friend. You'll meet him tomorrow." Edward and I spoke at the same time. "Tomorrow?"

End of Flashback

A gasped and said, " Jacob? Jacob Black?" Everyone froze and Jacob turn to me slowly. His eyes locked on mine, furious and suspicious. I was wrong. Of course I was wrong, there were bound to be a bunch of Jacobs! What were the odds that this was the right one? Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

He clenched teeth and locked his hands into fists. "What are you?" He asked. I was confused. Have we not ready concluded that I was a vampire? "What are you? A psychic, my mind reader? Tell me!!!" Well, i guess i had the right Jacob then. He grabbed my arms and I said the first thing that came to mind. The only thing that I thought might throw him off. I knew that wasn't an answer to his question, but maybe it was enough to get him to back off.


The boy let go.

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