Going All Out

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***Pic of Lex***

I stared at Alice, almost afraid to move. She couldn't be serious!... "Alice?" I asked her hesitantly. Her eyes snapped up to mine, happiness evident in them. "I think I have enough clothes." And it was true. The shopping cart was filled to the very top, with a few bags even placed in the child seat. In addition to those bags, Both Alice and Bella had their arms full, since Alice had insisted that my sister and I do no work, as we were being treated to a day off.

I backed up several steps as Alice continued to approach me with a dress that would just never work. For one thing, it was a bright pink, a complete no - go for me. And honestly, it looks like something a six year old flower girl would wear, complete with a large pink rose on the side. For some reason though, Alice wasn't letting me out of this one. "Oh, come on! You would look so cute in this! I mean, you don't have much of a figure, but I'm sure this will bring out some shapes in the top! And you would look so adorable. I could even put ribbons in your hair!"

Oh, no. No way. I could see my sister stifling laughter behind her hand. I felt a sudden pressure in my head and accepted it automatically. "Oh, yeah, Lex!" I heard my sister's voice in my head, louder than I remembered. "You'll look so cute in that pink fluffy - Wuffy dress. Oh, maybe they can even find you a matching bow!" I glared at my sister hard as her telepathy was pulled away from me, not allowing me the chance to defend myself.

I looked around desperately as Alice approached me with the dress. Finally, grasping at my last hope, I flew behind Bella. "No, Alice! I don't want it!" I cried out, hiding my face and Bella shirt when Alice narrowed her eyes at me. Apparently, jumping behind Bella for protection had brought out her maternal instincts. She put her arm around me in a motherly gesture, something that I had seen her do to Renesmee several times. "Alice" Bella said, "she isn't like you and Renesmee. She like simpler things... You know, things that she can put on herself, without someone else having the zip up the back." I smiled at Bella, eternally grateful.

Alice pouted but put the dress back on the rack. She walked over to another shelf and shifted through it for several seconds. Bella pulled her hands back, but kept one hand on my shoulder protectively. I couldn't help but smile a little when I realize that the thing she was protecting me from was her sister in law. Alice suddenly gasped and said, "okay, okay, okay.You don't have to get a dress, but you will get a few of these!" She pulled out a short denim skirt and I swallowed hard. I wasn't even sure that it would cover the essential areas.

"Lets add a few inches on to that Alice." Bella said firmly, sounding exactly like my mother used to . Alice huffed but reached back into the rack. I grinned up at Bella, letting my guard down completely for the first time. Seeing the expression on my face she laughed quietly, patting my shoulder reassuringly. Alice pulled out a skirt and flashed over to me, holding it to my waist. It reached a few inches above my knee... Not too bad, considering I would never wear a skirt. I mean... Even if I liked them, I'm a vampire! I could not risk jumping too high and having everyone see up my skirt! No way, I'm sticking to shorts.

At this thought I walked up to the rack Alice was in front of. She beamed at me when she saw me looking through all the denim bottoms, but grumbled when I pulled out two pairs of knee length shorts and toss them into the cart. Ash nudged Alice and stage whispered, "Just be thankful that she didn't pick out khaki shorts. She really likes to wear those in the woods or fishing." I stuck my tongue out at my sister but looked away in embarrassment when Alice turned around and caught me in the act.

We walked back to the car and both Bella and I rushed to the doors. "What are you doing?" Alice asked us as she stuffed all of the bags into the trunk and slammed it shut. "Getting into the car I told her." Obviously. "We're not done yet!" Alice told us. Bells sighed in understanding but I was still confused. "What do you mean? We just put all of the bags in the car..." Alice looked at me as if I was taking an unreasonable amount of time to understand.

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