Eyes Closed

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Ash and I snuck onto her balcony and hid behind a huge potted plant, playing a real game of spies. Thankfully, Ash's room was right next to mine so we could see my balcony... And the giant wolf sitting under it. He wasn't moving at all, just sitting under my window, staring at it. 'That is so creepy!' Ash thought to me. I nodded.

Suddenly, the wind changed direction. Now, instead of the smell of paint for my bedroom blowing towards the wolf, me and my sister scent was coming to him. Almost immediately, the wolf... Seth's head snapped towards us. Ash froze and I pulled her back behind the pot with me. My sister's grip was really tight on my arm, so I knew the fact that Seth was trying to spy on me really scared her.

Realizing that Seth probably knew where we were and how stupid we must look, I stood up and drug Ashlynne to the edge of the balcony with me. I jumped on to the railing and prepared to step off. Ash had clearly already written Seth off as a creeper, because she held tight my arm, making it clear that she didn't want me to jump down there with him. I pulled out of her grip and smiled at her reassuringly, then jumped down the three stories, landing a few feet away from Seth.

"Dude", I said, feeling slightly awkward about talking to a wolf. I wouldn't let it show, though. "What are you doing here? You're really freaking out my sister." We both glanced up at Ash, who was watching us with a fearful look. Seth whined and nodded his head towards the woods, showing me that he wanted me to follow. I felt my sisters telepathy pushing at my mind and I let her in.

'Don't go!' She thought to me. I looked up at her and then glanced back at Seth. 'I want to see what he wants.' I mentally told her. She shook her head frantically, a pleading look on her face. 'Tell you what.' I bargained. 'You keep your telepathy on me, and if I need you, I'll connect to the mind link, okay?' Ash stared at me for a few seconds, then, realizing that she wouldn't get a better deal, she nodded, not looking at all like it was okay.

Seth took off into the forest and I kept up easily. He turned his head every few seconds to make sure I was still with him. We jumped over fallen logs and ran up huge hills. Seth slowed and then gripped my shirt gently with his teeth, spinning me around. My back was now to him. I turned around in confusion, but he turned me to face away from him again. I frowned, but stayed in the position this time. I heard a few cracks and then a zip. Suddenly, a hand grabs onto my arm, making me instinctively jump to a tree branch about 15 feet off the ground.

Looking down, I realized that it was just Seth, now in human form and a pair of cut off jean shorts around his waist. He smiled at me reassuringly, and I jumped back down, feeling really stupid. "Sorry." Seth said. "I just figured you wouldn't want to see me naked again." He laughed and I joined in a second too late, feeling both nervous and awkward. Suddenly, Seth said "Get onto my back." Whoa. "What?" I asked, even though I knew my perfect hearing had not failed me. "Get on my back." Seth repeated. Yeah, I wasn't even a little bit comfortable with that. But before I can voice my opinion, Seth rolled his eyes and smiled. Then, he knelt down and pulled me onto his back and I automatically locked my arms around his neck.

"Close your eyes. Where we're going is a surprise." I nodded and did as he asked. Though my eyes were closed I kept all of my senses on higher alert. I looked out for anything dangerous, because in reality I did not know Seth very well at all. This could easily be a trap... Maybe I should have listened to my sister, because right now I was going against everything my mother had ever taught me. Still, I was on the lookout, listening for the sounds of danger, breathing unnecessarily so I could get the scent of what was around me. Honestly, I didn't need to see because of how enhanced all my other senses were.

It suddenly felt like we were flying through the air and on instinct I opened my eyes. Seth was jumping over huge cliff, with a river below it. "Seth!" I cried, more shocked that afraid. I mean, we're only about 40 feet up. Humans might be able to survive that fall, and I could land on my feet perfectly from that height. Still, I wasn't in the mood to go swimming, especially in the river. For the past few months my siblings and I had been using rivers as a source to get clean, and I was entirely done with them.

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