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Carlisle and Edward were the first ones to arrive in the clearing with us, with the rest of the Cullens right behind them. Except for Esme and Chris. They were nowhere to be seen, and I hoped that meant that she had stayed back with Chris. I could feel several of the wolves from Seth's pack also approach, though they stayed mostly hidden in the brush. I expected the two vampires to take off when they realized how outnumbered they were. Instead, though, the one called Tanya stepped towards them. "Edward," she asked, her voice no longer a rumbling growl, "What is this? Who are they? What have you done?" Putting a calming hand out, Edward approached slowly, looking as if he were attempting to tame an animal that would attack at any moment.

"Tanya, Kate. We weren't expecting you. It's not what you think". Kate. So, the electric vampire's name was Kate. I wondered if Edward knew that she could shock him as soon as he touched her. I opened my mouth to warn him, but Edward's eyes darted back to me as he read my thoughts. At his slight nod, I knew that he had heard my worry, and that he was aware of the threat. Despite this, he kept edging closer to the two vampires.

Though the electric vampire, Kate, seemed to now doubt her assumption of my siblings and I, Tanya looked livid. "Edward," she seethed, "Don't you dare try to tell me that they aren't immortal children. They are not like Renesmee. They have no pulse, no blood flow". Edward paused, and I knew that he was reading her thoughts, trying to decide the best way to approach the situation. Glancing back at Carlisle, it was clear that Edward was at a loss.

"Tanya," As usual, Carlisle's voice was calming. "I knew your Mother well. Her death was a tragedy," I watched Tanya's glare falter. Seeing this opportunity, Carlisle insisted, "You know that we would never disrespect your Mother in such a way. We would never allow her death to be in vain by repeating her mistakes. Please, come to the house with us. Allow us to explain". 

A tense silence surrounded us. Seth kept Ashlynn and I tucked behind him, and he looked as if he still expected Tanya to suddenly lunge for us. Finally, Tanya glanced back at Kate and nodded. Carlisle looked relieved as he gestured for everybody to follow him back to the house. Despite the wary glances that Tanya and Kate were giving Ash and I, Seth refused to walk in front of them. It wasn't until everybody else had passed by that Seth finally began to move, leading my sister and I back to the house behind everybody. The wolves followed behind us, making me nervous. What were the odds of one of the wolves deciding that they were tired of the vampire children, and trying to take a bite out of us?

I felt a familiar tingle in my mind, and I happily opened my mind to my sister's telepathy. Her mind was a swirl of panic as she wondered what would happen to us. I couldn't answer that. Clearly the Cullens knew Tanya and Kate. So if these two new vampires decided to kill my siblings and I, would the Cullens defend us?

Not willing to tell my sister that I had no idea what would happen, I mentally asked her, 'Where is Chris?' She took a second to calm herself down before showing me what had happened. Upon realizing that I was being attacked, Chris and Ash had tried to run back to the Cullen's house to get help. They had found Seth first, who pushed them in the direction of the house before running for me. Ash had hesitated, then finally told Chris to go and get the Cullens. She had then turned back to help Seth, hoping that the three of us would be able to beat the two vampires. Apparently, though, he hadn't expected Kate to rush at her, making it impossible for her to reach me. 

Though I could still feel Ashlynn's fear at the memory, I was just thankful that we were all still alive. Well, as alive as a vampire can be. Kate hadn't touched my sister with her electric hands, and Chris had made it safely to the house. I hoped that Tanya and Kate wouldn't react too violently when they saw Chris. He was even younger than Ash and I. Did that make him 'more' of an immortal child? I tried to pick up my pace, hoping that I could reach the house before Tanya and Kate had the chance to react to my brother. Seth stepped in front of me, though, and I heard several growls from the wolves behind me.

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