Never My Intention

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One of the wolves, which I now recognized is Seth, lunged at us. I hissed loudly and threw myself between him and my sister with my hands out, ready to punch or push him back. I didn't get the chance, though. He body slammed me, and I went sprawling to the ground. Wolf - Seth turn to look at me with terrified eyes, as though he thought he had hurt me. He stood between us, separated my sister and I from the other wolves.

Ash seem to just as confused as me. "What is going on?!" She asked loudly. No one responded, but that might have been because wolves cannot talk. "I don't know" I told her. "But I know how to figure it out." Catching the thought going around in my head, ash nodded and extended her telepathy out to Chris. ' Shoot' she thought to me, & and I looked at her waiting for an explanation.

'Esme's holding him. If I try to think to him, she'll hear too.' I rolled my eyes. Why did they feel such a strong need to hold Chris? He was a vampire, his legs don't get tired! 'Oh well.' I thought to ash. 'He's our only option at this point.' Ashlynne nodded and thought loudly, 'Chris we need you in the backyard!' Esme seem startled because she froze and tightened her hold on our brother. Chris, however, was used to voices in his head, as bad as it sounds. He easily wiggled from Esme's hold and was standing next to us in 3 seconds flat.

"Wooah" he said aloud, his eyes widening. "Big doggies" he whimpered quietly and grabbed onto my leg. He had always hated dogs. The pack was staring at us now, obviously surprise I wasn't the only kid vamp around. When one wolf growled I snarled right back and crouched down. The mutt's ears lowered and I took a flying leap towards him. My temper just seems to be getting worse and worse.

I didn't hit my target though. I was suddenly yanked back and suspended in air. I gasped in a breath, ready to snap at Ash for using her telekinesis against me, when I realized I wasn't just suspended. I was being held up by my shirt. I slowly looked up and saw a huge wolf face right above my head, holding me off the ground by the back of my shirt.

I wanted to fight. God, I reeeeaaally wanted to fight. But... If I did, my shirt would most likely be torn off. And while Leah had said she didn't know why I bother to wear a bra... Trust me, I wear one for a reason. And i wasn't going to take the chance of that getting ripped off too. But this hold was really humiliating. My shirt was pulled up a few inches past my belly button and my feet are dangling a good to two feet off of the ground. 'Ash, do something!' I thought desperately. My sister looked at me, apparently at a loss.

'But... I can't use my telekinesis to throw him... You'll go flying too!' She thought back helplessly. I groaned. The last thing I needed was to be thrown towards the other wolves. They were much more hostile than this one... I say ironically as he holds me hostage. Chris chooses this very... Awkward moment to step forward. "He won't hurt you." Chris tells us. I look at him... Well, as much as I can. My shirt is pulled tight, restricting my body's movement.

" he won't hurt you." Chris repeated. He opened his mouth, probably to try and explain, but he didn't get the chance. "You got that right!" All heads turned towards the voice, and Renesmee was walking across the yard towards us. Was she stupid? As a full vampire I can fight off these animals and now this half - vampire was going to try? "Nessie don't -" Ashlynn began but stopped when she walked right past us and into the group of wolves. She smacked one on the side of his head and he whimpered, his ears lowering. The expression, "like to kicked puppy" seems very fitting right now.

I didn't understand the animals reaction though. I had thrown one of the Wolves through a tree earlier and he had gotten back up. Was this animal actually hurt by a slap from a half human? Why Did the animal not attack her after she hit it, when I nearly got my head bitten off for looking at them? "What are you doing jacob black!? This is not funny!" She turned to glare at me. " put her down Seth". Oh, so no, she wasn't glaring at me. She was glaring at the wolf holding me.

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