My Story

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"I assume you know Renesmee?" I nodded. Was it not obvious, given the circumstances? "Do you know her story?" I wasn't sure that I understood Seth's question but I answered anyway. "Edward and Bella are her biological parents. Bella was a human when she got pregnant..." I trailed off when Seth shook his head. "No. Well, yes that's true, but not what I meant." and Seth explained it. Everything. How Edward had wanted to abort Renesmee for fear of Bella dying and how Rosalie was the only one to stand by her. How after Renesmee was born everyone fell in love with her and team up to stop the Volterri from killing her...

"So Edward wanted to kill his daughter, and his family never told him he was wrong?" Seth blinked, as if he was shocked that this was what I had taken from his story. "Well... Yes, but... They wouldn't let him for force Bella into an abortion. They have their morals and they stick to them." I leaned back and looked at him, skeptism written all over my face. "Look" Seth sighed. "After me and Leah's dad died, our mom started dating Bella's dad. Jacob, Leah and I all left Sams packed protect Renesmee and... Carlisle and Esme kinda... Took us in. They accept you for who you are... And..." Seth trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"That's great." I said blankly. Seth turned and looked at me, apparently surprised that I wasn't moved by his story. I had seen worse, so much worse. I looked over to Seth. "Do you want to know my story?" I asked him. Seth gulped hard and then nodded. I closed my eyes for a minute, tuning in to what was happening downstairs. Almost everyone was listening to the conversation I was having, except for Alice and Jasper. They were taking my brother and sister out to hunt. Well, thanks for telling me.

But then I realize that this might be a good thing. Ash wouldn't have to relive everything, and Chris wouldn't have to hear the gory details I had been protecting him from. Even after all that had happened, I was still trying to take care of them. I waited a few seconds until Alice, Jasper and my siblings were all out of earshot. I could tell that the rest of the Cullens, and probably Jacob too, we're listening in because of how quiet the house was. Well, I was going to put on a good show.

"Our father used to abuse us. He would be a great dad all day, but when he started drinking at night things always went bad. It got to the point where I would like Ash and Chris in my room with me and stay up all night with a baseball bat in my hands in case he came in. One day I came home from school and he was holding our mom against the couch and had a knife in his hands." Seth stiffened and I swear he wasn't breathing.

"When I walked in he took a step away from her but then started coming towards me. When my mom saw that she hit him with a lamp and called 911. He started screaming about how he would kill all of us in my mom told him that he should leave before the cops came. I guess he thought so too because we never saw him again."

It hadn't happened exactly like that. There had been a lot of screaming and hitting in between but that would make the story too long.

"After that everything changed. We moved to a new house, started a new school, changed our last names. We made friends and got new lives... We started over. I started playing soccer and going out with friends... Our lives were as close to perfect as you can get."

Now came the hard part. The Cullens were all listening intently, lost in my story. Well, here comes the part that makes it a "horror story"...

"About 4 months ago I turned 12. I was finally able to get a phone, babysit... I had never been so happy. One night my mom was going out and she told me to watch my brother and sister. She told me she loved me and left... I mean, I thought she left."

Could I do this? Could I relive that night? That horrible, gruesome night that had ruined everything?

"I... I was making ashlynne a sandwich and heard a noise in the back room. I thought it was Chris so I went back to check. I walked into my moms office and... And she was pinned to the floor under a man. He was sucking her blood."

I noticed Seth they seem to lose color. "I didn't know what to do... I couldn't move. I was frozen until ashlynne came up behind me. Our mom started screaming at us to run. Even though her face was deathly pale, even though she was in a puddle of her own blood, even though her eyes were glazed over, she screamed for us to run. I grabbed my sister and drag her to the front door. But then I realize that Chris wasn't with us."

This was turning into a sort of sick game for me. How pale could I make Seth, how many gasps could I hear downstairs? I continued, my descriptions getting more and more detailed and as a result, more gory. "I ran back into the dining room where Chris was but I was too late. The vampire had my brother's blood dripping from his mouth and Chris was on the floor screaming and crying in pain. I tried to get him away from Chris but I ended up getting bitten too."

Seth was shaking now. I was a little wary because I had noticed that when one of the wolf people began to shake it meant they were about to turn into a giant freaking wolf. I decided to wrap up my story quickly... Well, as quickly as possible.

"We've never killed any humans. We... Ash and I, we ran into a couple in the woods and we were about to attack but... We snapped out of it when the man told the woman that she would make a great mommy. I just... We couldn't do it."

Seth appeared to have calmed down slightly, so I started adding in a little detail again.

"We came across three covens. They all tried to kill us because they decided we were immortal children. Then, we came across the Cullens. And just like everyone else, they tried to kill us. Multiple times. Carlisle even tried to say that they meant no harm, then ordered his coven to attack.

The humor I felt was slowly disappearing, my anger returning.

"But all of a sudden, they are all ok with us. Carlisle and Esme suddenly want to help us and take care of us, after trying to kill us! Do you have any idea how many times I almost died in the last few months? How many covens I fought to protect my siblings?! I gave up all of my happiness to try to let them have some. I became a mother at the age of 12 for them and then the Cullens come in and take them for me!" Seth opened his mouth to interrupt but I shot him a murderous glare.

"You don't get it! You have a sister! You have your mother, and the pack! You have the Cullens! I have no one! I lost my home, my mom, my friends, everything I've ever known, and now I might even be losing my brother and sister! I don't have the luxury that you have! I don't get too mess up because I have no one to fall back on!!!"

For a second everything was completely silent. Seth did not respond. The Cullens did not move. The wind didn't blow in the birds didn't sing. And then I realized exactly how alone I was.

Because Seth stood up without a word... And walked out of the room.

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