We Have Lost

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"It's not happy here."Chris informed Ashlynne and I. He wasn't wrong. Forks was a pretty dark place. The skies were gray, the clouds were black. But, that wasn't exactly bad for us. For the first time in three months we were walking down a sidewalk in the middle if the day."Maybe not but at least we can be around people now." I told him. Chris frowned. "But I dont wanna be around people" he pouted. "They make my throat hurt." Ashlynne nodded. "me too." I sighed. Looking around, I made certain that we were all out of earshot. Of humans, at least. "Alright, look guys" I grabbed their arms to stop them. "I'm really doing the best I can. This isn't an easy situation, okay? Suddenly, we don't eat, we don't get cold or hot or hurt, we can't be around people without pain, and I have to watch two kids with no help from mom. I'm trying, okay? I really, really am" There was a strain on my voice, the panic, confusion and desperation of the last few months coming back to haunt me.We were all quiet for a few seconds, memories that we tried so hard to keep at bay rushing forward. Then, Chris slipped his hand in to mine. I took this as a que to begin walking again. As we started moving again, Ashlynne whispered quietly "You don't need to take care of me." I glanced over at my sister. So young, so fragile. We all are. I made direct eye contact and held it. "Of course I do" I answered. She looked at me, clearly thankful. "You're a good sister" she mentally told me. Over that past few months we had learned that we all had a...power...or something. Chris had the ability of truth. He knew when someone was lying, and unless you knew how to block it, as Ash and I had both learned to do,he could tell what the truth was. It went deeper than that though. It was pretty complicated, but Chris seemed to understand it perfectly. It wasn't just knowing the truth, he could see it, as if he was having visions of the past and present.Ashlynne was both telepathic and telekenetic. She constantly surrounded the three of us with a mind dome or something crazy. It was invisible, so completely mental, but as long as she kept all of us in it, we could project thoughts to eachother.Finally, me. I control elements- earth, wind, fire, and water. The earth and water I didn't use too often. I had used fire three times now. The first time was a complete random accident,a nd I have almost turned all of us to ashes. The other two times had been on instinct. It was the only 2 times we had come across other vampires. Both covens we had come across tried to kill us. After all we were "Immortal children" as they had so kindly put it.At first, I had been confused.The first coven ran towards us and I didn't even think to defend us. that is, until one man grabbed Ashlynne. At her scream, I had jumped in to action. After ripping my sister out of his grip, I sent fire rushing towards them. It had been over in 5 seconds, but their screams still echoed in my memory. When the second coven attacked, I was ready.We learned very quickly to avoid other vampires. Now, our plan was to live in forks, and finally stop moving. To have some part of our lives be normal. Deep in the woods outside of Forks, we had built a small shack. Nothing big, about 5 feet tall, 6 feet wide. It was just a place to keep our few belongings. Chris's stuffed bear, Bubu, and his favourite book, which contained legends and Fairy Tales. Ashlynne's fuzzy purple and white blanket, along with her matching pillow. Why she wanted those things when we couldn't sleep was beyond me. I had brought two things, just like them. My phone, which had long ago died, and the scrapbook mom had made.

About 8 months ago, mom had been really in to scrapbooking. This Scrapbook had a leather cover, a picture of Mom, Ash, Chris and I on the cover. Inside, there were pictures, starting from the day I was borns. They worked their way through each of my siblings births, birthdays, family photos, soccer games, picnics, parties... on the first page, my mother had writted in curling letters, "Family Is Forever". In this book, was everything we have lost.

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