7||senior prank night part 2

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"You must be Elena"
Was the only thing she said

Ayla pov

I saw her fear in the eyes as I stepped closer to her.

"I couldn't believe when I heard that there was another doppelganger"I made circles around elena who stand in the middle of the gym.

"Ho-how is that possible?"she asked again.

"Better question,why are you still alive?"i asked her.

She didn't answered


Klaus and I sat on the stairs and elena on the ground with Dana and chad,as we saw how stefan came into the gym.

"Sleepy beauty is awake"elena gave my a face at how I gave stefan this nickname.

"I came to apologise,elena means nothing to me!"he began.

"Apologies?you lied to us.to Rebekah"klaus said.

"I also came her to prove you my loyalty"he ended his sentence.

"Loyalty?"Klaus let out an laugh.

Klaus stood up walking towards stefan.

"You want to prove you loyalty?fine,kill them"he pointed with his head towards Dana and chad.

Elena stand up.

"No!don't do it stefan!you don't have to he already said he-"

Elena couldn't finish her sentence as i slapped her across the face which caused her to scream and fell to the floor.

Stefan's vamp eyes came out as he speeded to me to attack me but Klaus was faster than he and held him by his neck inches before he could reach me.

"She means nothing to you?lies!"
He shouted at stefan.

Stefan didn't stopped to fight back but without results.

"I wanted you loyalty from you,now I have to take it"

Klaus began to compell stefan.

"You gonna stop fighting back and do whatever I and ayla say,you understand?"

Stefan stopped fighting back but said nothing.

"Now go stefan,kill them"

Stefan's vampire eyes came out before he speeded to them drinking there blood until nothing was there anymore.

"I have an idea"I said out of nowhere.

Klaus only looked at me.

I went over to the big clock in the gym and tipped in 20 minutes but didn't start it yet.

"20 minutes bonnie,if you don't find a way to save Tyler in these 20 minutes I want to drink stefan blood.but this time,elena's blood"

I could see all these shocked except for klaus and Rebekah who was on her way to bring Tyler into the hallway where unconscious Caroline was.

"Imma make a time"Rebekah said smirking before disappearing into the hallway.

I turned to Bonnie who just standing there.

"What are you wanting for?make you work save Tyler's life"Both,bonnie and Matt leaved the gym but Bonnie gives elena a look meaning she's gonna find a way to fix this.

Klaus turned to stefan again.

"You heard her,20 minutes or you gonna feed on her"

"Me and ayla have Stil unfinished business"he took my head speeding my out of the gym.

3rd person

Klaus Speed them both in a classroom,grapping ayla's waist and speed her with un-human speed on top of desk. Ayla helps Klaus take off his shirt, followed by hers.

Klaus placed his hands on ayla's chest laying her flat on her back.

Klaus looked at Ayla's body for a moment before going on top of her.

Klaus wanted to attack Ayla's neck before they heard elena's scream.

Klaus rolled his eyes before going off of her and putting his shirt in again.

Ayla sat up also putting on her shirt before going off of the desk.


Klaus and ayla followed elena's heartbeat as she again crashed into klaus chest.

"We gotta stop meeting like this"
He said as he grapped elena's arm heading with the two girls into the lunch room.

They saw a piece of wood in Stefan's stomach who tried to fight against the compulsion.

"I've never seen this before,trying to hold you hunger for this one little girl,pathetic"klaus said.

Elena let go of elena but I stayed behind her.

"Why don't You Turn it off?"
Klaus offered stefan as he sat on one of the tables.


"Come on,you humanity is killing you!"

He walked over to stefan bringing the piece of wood of his stomach.

"You strong but not a that strong"

Now he stood in front of stefan.

Klaus said slowly.

Stefan hesitate before pushing klaus away.


Klaus face became darker,he pushed stefan against the wall compelling him.

He screamed at him.

So he did.he flipped the switch.

Klaus only looked at him before turning around and trow a knife at ayla who easily caught it.

"Stefan"ayla began.

"Would you perhaps,have a drink"

Ayla cut a side of elena's throat who gasped.

"From the doppelgangers neck?"
Ayla finished her sentence stepping next to elena.

"Uhm,but don't kill her,we still need her"ayla added.

Stefan didn't need to hear something twice before he speeded to elena and feed from her.

Rebekah pov

I sat in the ground leaning against on of the lockers as I see how a weak Tyler layed on Caroline's lap trying to calm him down.

"Aww poor Tyler"I said making a fake sad face.

"Shut up!"caroline snapped at me before looking again at her boyfriend.

I let out an laugh as I saw how elena,klaus and ayla came with a little bottle of blood.

Klaus kneeled in front of Tyler holding the little bottle infront of his face.

"Elena's blood,drink it"
Klaus said to Tyler.

"No!"caroline jump up.

"He has to or he dies"ayla explained to caroline.

Slowly Tyler grapped the cup before drinking it without doubt's.

Tyler's fell to the ground before he starts screaming,his head is looking with yellow-gold eyes,hybrid eyes,klaus looked at Tyler with victory.

"So that's it,elena blood is the key"
Ayla realised.

"So what are you gonna do know?"i asked.

"Imma grab elena with us and make more hybrids"
He said before wrapping an arm around ayla's waist and with the other hand he grapped elena's arm before speeding them both out.

1029 words
If there any mistakes correct me.

Lg em           Posted:5/16/22


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