A new beginning all over again

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"Please please please please I want it to stop." Lilian cried like never before. These were actual tears. Tears that even though she'd done many wrong things they hurt Damian.

Bruce had found out for the 3 weeks Lilian was in her room she was self harming. And he couldn't just let her keep on with it. He found the best treatment for her. He needed it to stop. In any way, for his daughter. Lilian backed up into a corner with her hands tightly hugged around her. "Don't touch me." She said as her puffy red eyes stung. She went through this 3 times already and it hurt like a bitch.
"Stop. Please stop." She said trying her hardest. She didn't want to be knocked out for a couple hours. She didn't want to feel pain. She wanted it to all end right now.

Now they were in a room.
A lady in a white shirt and pants tucked in nicely. A clipboard in one hand and a pen in another. Lilian placed in a white gown. She knew how to hide her emotions for this part. It was the norm.
"How are you feeling." That delicate reched voice said. She hated it. She hated hearing how smooth it would sound. Like a million butterflies entering the room dancing to the sound of a harp.
"I'm fine." Lilian said looking everywhere but in the womans eyes.
"Look at me and make me believe that." She said calmly and softly.
Lilian wanted to throw a fucking chair at her head.
And so she did.

"I'm fine."

And that was it. Her eating patterns changed once again. She only slept with Bruce. Never went on her phone. Was only seen with Bruce. And rarely talked. She now uses a different form for talking. Sign language. She barely sleeps. Well only she knows that. Because when she's in Bruce's room she goes by his window and looks out at the stars. Feels the soft breeze hitting her face like at the sandy beach.

She got to go home. She changed into her regular cloths and headed out where Bruce and her 2 brothers, Jason and Damian were waiting. She walked on the side of Bruce where neither of her brothers were. They got into the jeep and headed home in a pool of silence. Bruce driving. Jason in the passenger seat and Damian and Lilian in the back.
She slowly leaned her head upon his shoulder. Damian tried his best not to move. This was the first time in 3 months she'd physically touch him. It was a new start. All over again. Damian felt water on his shoulder and turned to look. His baby sister was crying. Slowly falling down her golden cheeks. He wanted to wipe them but he didn't want to ruin what he knew as first touch again. He felt guilty of ruining his sister's life. In fact, all of them did.

"Home sweet home." Bruce said to his daughter who was closely next to him but she cautioned the touch of skin.
"A new beginning all over again." She said taking the first step.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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