Chapter 3

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I blinked as the first rays of sun hit my face. I stretched once and then got out of my huge bed. I pushed aside the big red blanket and looked around. My first look was at the window, I walked towards the window and looked out.

The view was beautiful, the sun was just rising and the beautiful garden. Elvi told me that there are also ghouls with the element earth who like to be in the garden. Almost unimaginable. I changed and went downstairs to the large dining room.

I saw Elvi and Juna already sitting at the table and Sister Imperator standing next to them with a big plan in hand.

"Good morning, Elena" said Juna and Elvi almost at the same time. "Good morning" I said and smiled at her. Strangely enough, they weren't even unsympathetic to me, the two were quite cute.

"Good morning, Sister Elena" Sister Imperator said and gave me a smile. "Let's start" said Papa Nihil who suddenly stood behind me out of nowhere.

"Elena, this is an old map of the catacombs. I explained to Elvi and Juna where the room is. You're ready," Papa Nihil asked as he sat down with the others at the round table.

"What do we do if we survive and find this Aether?" I asked. "You explain the situation to him and then you bring him upstairs to us," said Papa Nihil, inviting us to come with him as he got up from the table.

"What if he doesn't come with us or we don't find him" Juna said almost hysterically. "Calm down Juna we will find him" I said putting a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"That's exactly what I want to hear. I knew you were the right one," Sister Imperator said. I ignored her comment and we continued to follow Papa Nihil. We went through a long corridor and then down a flight of stairs.

"Here we are at the entrance to the catacombs" Papa Nihil said as we stopped in front of a large black gate. "Ready?" asked Sister Imperator. I nodded and Papa Nihil opened the door.

"Good luck" he said and then he closed the door behind us. Juna lit a candle next to me that she had with her. "Why not a flashlight?" I asked. "What is that?" she asked confused.

"Oh forget, everyone is still a bit old here I forgot," I murmured quietly. "Forget it" I said to Juna.

The hallway we were in was narrow and stank of smoke and sulfur. As if we were about to enter the dragon's hell.

"I'm afraid," Elvi suddenly said next to me and looked at me. "We'll do it okay. We'll find this Aether and then we'll be right out of this shithole" I said to set her up and she smiled.

We crept further through the corridor until we came to two ways. "Here we have to turn right" Juna whispered. We turned right onto a slightly wider path, but here it smelled even more.... "Rahhhh".

We jumped when we heard the loud noise. "What was that?" Juna whispered. "I have no idea" I replied. "Come on we have to go on" I said. There were cobwebs all over the passage and rats were running across the floor. It was just gross.

"Here we have to turn left" said Juna and pointed to the black door for us. I slowly walked forward and wanted to open the door, but Elvi held me back.

"Wait there behind that door the rooms begin. That's where they'll be. We should turn around," she said, scared. "No, we can't turn back now. We'll make it okay. I'm scared too Elvi, but we have to save the church and I have to save my parents you know" I said and took her hand.

She nodded and swallowed once. She was brave I knew she would make it. I nodded at Juna, and she nodded to me as a sign for open the door. I turned back and opened the door.

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