Chapter 9

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 I followed Rain and Mountain to Rain's room. Mountain set Rain down on his bed as we entered the room. Rain's room was very bright, in shades of blue and gray. There were some drawings and photos on the walls. I looked back at Rain and Mountain. "Well then I'll go to Aether and the others" said Mountain and went towards the door. I nodded to him and then sat down on the bed with Rain. "Would you take off your t-shirt so I can take a closer look at the wound," I said, looking lovingly at Rain.

Only a shy "mhmm" came back. I watched Rain as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Rain had a really good build body. "Mhh that doesn't look so good," I said as I gently touched his wound. Rain twitched slightly when I put my hand on his torso.

"Sorry but I have to look at the wound" I said and smiled softly at him. "It's alright. Thanks for your help," Rain said softly. "Of course, I'll help you. You don't need to say thank you." I paused for a moment and then continued. "Who was that? Did Dew do that to you?" I asked him cautiously. Rain just looked at me and then said. "Yes". I looked at him sadly as I cleaned his wound.

"Why did he do that?" I asked. "Elena we are not humans we are ghouls. When you argue with someone some swear words or objects may fly. But when ghouls argue it can lead to death. Do you understand ghouls feel every emotion almost 10 times as strong as you humans. Sadness, anger, or love. Some ghouls are better at suppressing these strong feelings, some are not".

I think I never hear Rain speak so much. It must be really hard to feel all this emotions so strong and there is nothing you can do to make it better. "Let me rat Dew isn't good at handling emotions" I said, wiping some blood from his wound with a rag. "No he's not. He was mad because yesterday I took away what he was keeping an eye on," Rain said, smiling. "What do you mean. What did you take from him?" I asked confused.

"You," Rain said, looking at me sadly. "He likes you very much. I haven't seen Dew like that in a long time," Rain said. I wanted to say something but a loud scream interrupted me. "If Dew is going to kill you again," I said, smiling at Rain as I finished bandaging his wound. "So that should be enough, you have to change the bandage once a day so that it doesn't get inflamed," I said and got up. Rain smiled softly "Thanks Elena" he said and looked at me lovingly with his blue eyes. "I liked doing that. I'll go check on the others. Not that they all kill themselves," I said and smiled.

"Get some rest" I said as I closed the door to Rain's room and made my way to the others. When I got to the hall, I saw Aether and the others sitting around the table. "Who just screamed like that?" I asked as I entered the room. Aether immediately looked at me. "That was nothing don't worry sit with us" Aether said.

"Where's Juna" I said as I sat down with the others. Elvi looked scared. "That doesn't matter now. I spoke to Nihil it's true what you said Elena. He said he would only let a small group of ghouls up first. Me, Siwss, Dew, Mountain and Rain. But there is one problem he said he must be able to trust us before chaos breaks out again that's why he wants to leave you three alone with us down here for a week. "Are you fucking serious he's leaving us down here as bait. what the heck is that" I said angrily. Aether wanted to say something but I kept talking. "Now tell me where Juna is or Nihil can carry your bodies upstairs" I said angrily and jumped up.

"So that's why Dew likes you so much I get it more and more" Aether said and laughed softly. "Shut up," Dew said, growling at Aether. "Juna is in her room because she wasn't feeling so well," said Aether. "She has a headache," said Elvi. I nodded to her and sat down again. We sat around the big brown table for a while until we all spread out again . Siwss and Mountain sat in a corner and played her some stupid drinking game. Aether played something on his acoustic guitar. Elvi sat in a corner on a red chair reading a book. Somehow we had to survive this one week here. I have to survive around Saving my parents "Elena" I heard someone say next to me I was sitting on a bench apart from the others I turned around and saw Dew standing next to me with his trademark smile I just rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him. He sat down next to me."You're something special you know Elena and quite frankly you give really good blowjobs" he said and grinned. "And you're a great ass" I said and gave him an annoyed look. "Girls stand but always on the assholes or Elena. You know I've got a whole week down here to convince you" he said and scooted closer. "Yeah no bye Dew" I said and got up. I saw Rain standing by the door he had his guitar in the a'hand and his little red book. He sat down in a corner of the room and opened his red book. "Hey, how are you?" I asked as I stood in front of Rain. "Oh, I'm feeling better. Ghouls heal much quicker than humans so wildly" he said and smiled. "What are you doing?" I asked and sat down next to him. I could feel Dew's eyes on me. He probably didn't like that me and Rain got along so well. On more reason to talk to Rain. "I'm writing a couple of songs" Rain said and looked at his book. "Can you play me something" I asked. "Mhhh yes of course" he said shyly. And started to play.


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