Chapter 38

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Hey guys I'm back, but before you start reading help me get Blind Wave, a reaction channel to react to BEASTARS by voting in their poll, anybody can vote, so please help me!! Link can be found on my profile in the conversation section



Lowery nervously tapped his pencil against his desk as he continued to glance at the clock. Claire liked to stop by Control before the day started, and they were ten minutes before opening. He thought someone would have said something by now; the silence was the worst thing in the world, and he already had his box ready to pack up his dinosaur figurines.

Vivian promised to send the T-Rex figurine to Elise. Lowery had already agreed to take the heat from the application. It had been his idea, and it had been sent from his computer; he could convince Claire that he was screwing around while everyone else was working hard.

It wasn't fair to have everyone get fired.

Lowery jumped when the doors slid open, and he refused to glance behind him. The way the room went silent told him all he needed to know.

The bell would toll for him today.

Lowery swallowed nervously as the silence seemed to stretch on forever, and he held his breath when Claire calmly said, "Mr. Lowery, I need you to come with me."

A calm Claire was the worst thing in the world to Lowery; he wished she was yelling at him or waving the paper in his face. Instead he slowly turned around before quietly asking, "Um, to where?"

Claire kept her poker face as she held the damning application folded in her hand. Lowery swallowed, and Claire said, "To discuss a certain email I received today. The park isn't open yet, and you can obviously spare a few minutes."

Lowery looked ready to cry, but he stood before glancing over his figurines neatly aligned on his desk. Lowery shifted the Stegosaurus before picking up his Apatosaurus, and tucking it into his pocket.

He was serious about being buried with this figurine; it was his first one.

The Control remained silent as Lowery followed Claire like a child in trouble. She pushed the button to the elevator before waiting. The tech-geek risked a glance behind him, and had to crack a smile when several people stood up before giving a farewell salute. The elevator door slid back, and Lowery returned the sign before stepping in after Claire.

Lowery would freely admit he was glad he had the opportunity to work here.

When the doors had shut, and the elevator began to move, Lowery began to babble out of nervousness.

"Look, Claire, that wasn't supposed to happen, it was a joke, and I had like three minutes left on the clock."

"We can discuss this in my office."

Lowery pressed his lips before adding, "And no one else knew what I was was just me."

Claire only glanced at him before she led the way over to her office. Lowery startled when she suddenly stopped in front of the Holoscape in the center of the empty room, and she asked, "You helped make the Apatosaurus hologram, right?"

Lowery did; he was a tech nerd like that. It was his first, big project here, and it landed him his job in the Control Room. He couldn't help touching the pad, and giving a small smile when the massive, blue dinosaur suddenly appeared. The graceful herbivore stretched her neck down to glance at him as she let out her soft, yet loud, cry. It reminded him of a really big cow mooing. She was his favorite dinosaur, and Lowery was glad the old girl had somehow avoided the wrath of Elise when she was on her rampage. They had three Apatosaurus left, and this girl, Cherry, was a bit of a loner in her old age.

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