Chapter 60

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry about not posting last night; this chapter was just longer than what I thought it would be.

Anyway, RainbowKittyRune, Double-Stuffed are Blue's favorite.

Imtomzizle, I'm glad I can make you laugh, and you read at whatever pace you like; I was just in awe of how quickly you powered through it.

Guest, thanks for the OC suggestion. He sounds cool, and the Tyrannosaurus is wandering around.

The Only Potato, you get Sobek's POV in this chapter.

SmurfTurf; it's good to hear from you!

Thank you guys much and mighty for your reviews and criticism; I go back and correct things if you see something. I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this, for leaving a review, and just being awesome; all of you. Thank you guys!



Sobek held his head proudly while lightly dozing. He rarely fell into deep sleeps; those were when he felt comfortable enough to lay flat on his side. Those periods of sleep did not last long, but they were certainly refreshing.

He mostly napped with his head held high, out of reach of scampering scavengers dumb enough to actually hope he might have finally died.

Sobek had no intent of dying any time soon, and it had enraged him to get stuck in the mud. He had been furious with the humans for daring to trespass in his presence. It had felt good to swat the growling human-carrier onto its useless back.

He had been slightly less irritated when the thief had helped dig him out. Sobek wouldn't forgive his theft, but he would be slightly less aggressive in hunting Thief down.

Sobek still wasn't sure what Thief had exactly stolen from him, but it felt like he had lost some of his inner fire after waking up. It had been weeks of aggravating pain to the point where Sobek had considered simply dying, and then the humans had brought him here. He had fallen into a blissful sleep, and awoke.

With much less pain, but he had lost something valuable, Sobek just knew it. He could notice different behaviors in humans.

They knew they had done something wrong; it was the look the pack hunters had after being caught stealing from his territory.

His dead smelling human wouldn't look him in the eye as often, but Thief simply worked around him. Sobek was fine with that, and he knew Thief would accept dying by a snap of his jaws. Sobek actually wasn't sure who the alpha of the humans were. He was sure the dead smelling human was the leader, but Thief held much respect from Death. Sobek had named him that; it was what he reeked of. A killing deceiver was what Death was; Sobek knew that smell anywhere. It plagued most humans who had the audacity to invade his territory.

A familiar click was heard, and Sobek cracked open his good eye.

Speaking of Thief...

He was here, but keeping his distance, a smart move. Humans were smart, but did the dumbest things. Or were they dumb creatures who had brief moments of brilliance? Sobek wasn't sure; especially after the strangers had shown up. They did not carry this island's scents, they were not from here...

They were trespassers.

But the stranger male seemed to have some intelligence. He was wary, rightfully so, and never tried to invade his space. Sobek had actually been interested in that one; it was a pity Death had irritated him. The stranger smelled of pack hunters, and something else.

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