Chapter 52

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Hey guys! How's life?

Guest, I am leaving out those two dinosaurs because I like sticking to the ones I can spell; if the story needs it, I'll add them.

OREO, I missed you! Good to hear from you! I got aggressive raptors here just for you.

xxXScotsbritXxx, a PM is a personal message. If you create an account you can basically give messages to others with accounts that way you don't have to hold a conversation in the reviews for everyone to see.

Matt, that is not the pair as I feel like they would be too old to breed. I am really humbled you feel I write like Mr. Critchton; I loved both his novels.

IsDeltaAlive, I have no idea; I'm not very creative like that. I'm an old soul, though not an old person, who is perfectly fine with the regular dinosaurs. The Indominus is the only hybrid I like so far.

Regina, Bullet, I hope you get your AC fixed because it is terrible to just sit in the heat. I work in it, I can't imagine my house being it.

Lithornlant, thanks for recommending this; I'm happy to know you love it that much.

I don't own the lyrics to 'Take Me To Church' by Hozier

Thank you much and mighty for your reviews! I read all of them! I have no idea what my role in this family is. Entertainer? The Story Teller? It doesn't matter to me; we're just family.

*We have a warning for a dark chapter, and death. It gets graphic at the very end with Blue.*



Owen smiled as he watched his girl try to solve their toughest puzzle they had set up. He was amazed by how Elise had blown through all the overlapping trails like they were nothing. She didn't follow every single twist and turn like he thought she would. Whenever she came to an overlapping scent, she would raise her head, smell the air carefully, tilt her head, and follow the right way.

But now they were at the large river; not terribly far from where Elise had fought ACU, but Owen and Blake had been careful about not going in that direction.

It was just the respectful thing to do.

Elise was currently walking up and down the river as she tried to find Derick's scent again; water seemed to really stump her, but Elise sat up once more to taste the air around her. She continued to take deep, slow breaths in hopes of catching the smell before she suddenly turned her head towards some thick brush. Owen raised an eyebrow; he didn't recall going here, but he rolled his eyes when Elise managed to dig out the shiny paper.

A Snickers wrapper.

"It seems we found a litterer, Elise. I'm glad you found that, I don't want an animal to accidentally eat that; it'll kill them."

Elise startled at that; she didn't want an animal to die, and she inhaled the scent before handing the wrapper over to Owen.

Derick was a litterer, and his scent was still fresh on it. Elise wasn't happy with his carelessness; an animal could have died. It was her job as an Alpha to help Alpha Claire when she could. She now understood the workings of Jurassic World after more observation. Claire was the main Alpha of the humans, and Rexy was her partner; the Alpha over all dinosaurs. Claire had humans who she put in charge of other things, like Betas, but she didn't have to worry about them. Dr. Gerry was the Alpha over all the healers in Jurassic World, but Claire was his Alpha.

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