Chapter 11

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We have a potential heart wrench warning!

Because it involves death.


"I Was Never Alone."

"There we go, Kiddo. You should be back to your sweet self by morning."

Elise good-naturedly licked the white pill off Dr. Gerry's hand before she swallowed it. He wiped his slimy hand off as he added, "And if Owen's draggin' his ass to get you here, you know where I'm at; just knock. I usually sleep on the couch here; I'm too lazy to walk to my house every night."

Owen let out a chuckled as he hosed the floor off. Elise had calmed down immensely after Dr. Gerry had come in; she seemed to adore him for squirting Alexa off.

Owen knew he loved Dr. Gerry all the more for it.

Zach and Gray were immediately put to work by the old vet, and they actually liked helping make Elise feel better. The snow scaled dinosaur was much warmer towards them now, and had even begun to gently blow air on Gray when her nose was briefly cleared of snot.

Once in a while, Owen's radio would crackle, and loud laughter roared over it. Lowery swore he would somehow make a remix of the sneeze before bestowing the gift to the world. It sounded like Control had briefly stopped working to simply play the interview over and over again. Owen hoped to see it again, and the two boys intended to get a copy of it as soon as they got back; Owen was amazed Claire hadn't said anything about their absence.

Owen wished she wasn't so busy, and he could see she wanted to spend time with her nephews.

Maybe he could get them together for another dinner tonight, and Claire would forgive him for letting them tag along.

Owen was pulled from his thoughts when the old vet said, "Alright, you're good to go. I don't think you'll need a shot of anything, but if you start to feel worse, I need you to tell Owen, okay?"

Elise knocked on the invisible door as she quietly sniffed, and Gerry gave a gentle smile. He reached a hand out to her, and Elise met it with her index talon as the vet fondly said, "You're a good kiddo, Elise? You know that?"

Her tail gave a soft swish, mindful of Owen, and she answered, 'Yes.'

Owen couldn't help laughing at her answer. She gave him a dry look that told him how many times she had been called good in the past few days. What else was she supposed to answer with? Gerry only chuckled as he began to go down the steps, but he slyly said, "Keep Owen on his toes, Kiddo. Good 'ol Blue is losin' her touch for the sake of Oreos."

Elise gave a playful croon; she felt much better after her warm shower, and Gerry had attached a different nozzle that would squirt out soap suds with the water. Elise had absolutely loved it.

Owen never thought he'd ever live to see a vanilla scented dinosaur.

"You know Blue still has my boot."

Dr. Gerry gave a loud snort before he retorted, "Good, you looked like an idiot working with animals while wearin' those expensive, prissy things."

Zach burst out laughing while Owen rolled his eyes at the vet. Dr. Gerry waved them off as he disappeared back into his office, and Owen led the way out of the Shower Room. Elise gave a wide yawn as she paused by the vehicles, and Gray suddenly asked, "Hey, Uncle Owen, was that lady right?"

Owen's foot slipped on his clutch, and he looked up as he said, "About what?"

Gray shyly gestured to Elise, who was occupied by two butterflies fluttering around her nose, and he said, "Is it wrong to sell tickets to see her?"

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