Chapter 48

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Hey guys! Life is good?

Thank you spinofan-117 for letting me use the name if I decide to bring the Spino in because that is a very fitting name,

thesecondoreo, I'll be sure to look up that song because now I am curious about it.

thethirdoreo, perfect timing on your part.

Ceredon, I think you're crazy for zooming that quickly through that many chapters, but I am really glad you're enjoying this story that much :) Thank you for putting in that bit of background on Sobek's name because that is interesting to me. I hope you get some sleep, sleep is very good. I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

As always, thank you guys very much for reading this story and reviewing it. Even if you don't review it, thank you for reading it! Please enjoy, and I suppose I shall give a warning for a sad chapter.


"Love Can't Fit These Boots..."

"How are you feeling, Sunshine?"

Elise couldn't feel her mouth, and the sounds she made sounded very odd to her. She was afraid of moving her mouth around for fear of biting her own tongue off. So she only nodded her head, and Owen smiled as he continued to stroke her nose. Elise decided to rest a little before their next show, and she was content to sleep under the false log next to her sister's box. Owen was ashamed to admit he had almost forgotten about the little box, but he smiled at the jar of American soil.

A small, tender, tiny emerald vine had decided to break the surface of the earth. A single leaf adorned the fragile plant, and Elise was over the moon to see the seedling doing well. It made Owen happy as well; he was glad Lowery had given her the gift.

It made Elise seem lighter.

"Are the girls getting along pretty well with Rexy? I know Blue is like her little shadow at the shows, but is Blue always on her back?"

Elise couldn't help her sucked in laugh; Blue was very much Rexy's shadow, and the two had grown quite close with one another. Blue was learning the old dinosaur's sounds; she couldn't mimic them, but Blue could usually figure out what Rexy wanted.


And Rexy enjoyed having the raptor on her back; Elise never expected it, but Blue was apparently very good at scratching all the hard to reach spots. Tim still wasn't very comfortable with the raptors in his paddock, but he wouldn't complain about Rexy looking much younger. It made Tim feel better now that Rexy had something else to do with her time. She still kept her regular schedule, but the new members of the family always provided an opportunity for something different.

Owen let out a laugh as he scooted a little closer. He stretched out in the soft ground as the two simply enjoyed each other's company. Elise kept a careful, soft hand pressed against the side of Owen, and he responded by placing his much smaller hand over hers.

They liked the physical contact. Elise relished it, and Owen had no problem with the extra cuddling. He had done the same thing with Blue and her sisters when they were born; they were establishing and solidifying a very strong bond.

Granted Owen was pretty sure Elise would never lose her cuddly side, but it always reminded him that she was still young. He really wished he had some records to make a better guess, but Owen was willing to bet Elise was somewhere in her late teens, maybe a young adult. The more attached Owen got with Elise, the more he wondered how long she would live.

She did have a base genome of Tyrannosaurus, Rexy was over forty years old, and even the oldest discovered Tyrannosaurus fossil died around thirty.

Thirty to forty years was a good number, Owen could live with that. Elise was going to live a happy, safe life where she had a purpose and family. Happiness had a great way of extending the lifespan, and Elise had human in her. Humans lived a long time, so maybe that would extend it a little more, right? Maybe add five or ten more years?

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