Chapter 54

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Hey guys! How's life?

SmurfTurf, you get your wish.

xxXScotsbritXxx, thanks for letting me know.

Guys! Elise starts writing in this chapter, and I think I might be pushing it with how well she writes. I tried to even it out with misspelling and lack of punctuation, but I'm not sure. I say she's a very fast learner, but I tried to keep it at simple words.

*Warning, I got really dark in this chapter and gruesome.*

Sorry, but I just can't help myself sometimes. Pun time! It's a finger-lickin good time if you got the stomach for it! My editor didn't!

Thank you much and mighty for your reviews! Have a good day/night!


"We're Human."

Claire liked walking around her park when it was dark, when the guests had gone back to the hotels for the night. It was quiet with the occasional night owl giving a cry. Jurassic World was cleaned up for the night and ready for the next round of guests in the morning.

Claire wouldn't want any other job in the world.

She had visited Rexy for the night, but she just had a feeling that Bridges would be able to get some records. She wanted to talk to Elise about all this. Claire had explained the Birds and the Bees, but she never told Elise about Spinosaurus.

Claire decided it would probably be better for Elise if Owen wasn't right there when she talked about this. For all she knew, Owen had already drilled it into Elise's head that all Spinosaurus were terrible, poisonous creatures who snatched children from their rooms in the dead of night.

Claire wouldn't disagree to a certain extent, and she had a very hard time picturing a mellow Spinosaurus. That sounded like Blue cuddling a complete stranger or Rexy backing down from a fight. It just wasn't normal.

But Bridges had looked like he just got done washing an animal. Claire did not doubt Sobek was something special to him. She swore she heard that name before, but she never met any of his Spinosaurus besides Madre.

The viewing log was quiet and empty, but Claire smiled when she peered through it. Elise was still here; she was talking to her sister. Claire still wasn't sure what to do with that, and she considered bringing in some kind of psychiatrist in to talk with Elise. Claire wasn't sure though; Elise seemed so happy with everything going on around her. Claire wondered if she was repressing the bad memories. Would it do her good to poke around, re-open wounds that might already be healing over? Elise was bright eyed and clearheaded; she just looked gentler.

Elise had softened under the constant affection from the temperamental idiot that mashed down every button on Claire.

The window slid back, and Elise started at hearing it. She blinked innocent, crimson eyes, but a happy garble was made at seeing the fiery hair. Claire couldn't stop her own smile as she gently sat down, and said, "Hey, Elise. Talking with your sister?"

Elise seemed to think about that before she suddenly brought up the jar of dirt. Claire blinked as she gently took it before smiling at the fragile, little plant poking up from the rich earth.

"I see, you were talking to this little baby."

Elise nodded proudly; she had shown Lowery the growing acorn, and he had seemed genuinely surprised to see it growing. Elise knew he was sarcastic more often than not, and he jokingly said talking to the plant must have made it curious enough to see what the outside world was like.

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