Chapter 39

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"Time for New Shoes!"

"That's it, a little more...and...perfect!"

Josh smiled widely as he gave a thumbs up to Elise. She would admit this work wasn't difficult, and Josh was a good leader. He was calm, quick to assure, quicker to get the job done, but he didn't rush by any means. As a result, Elise decided she liked the pudgy man who had even shared his white, powdered doughnuts with her. Elise liked the white powder much more than the ones filled with sour jelly.

But she liked the jelly doughnuts more than Blake. Sometimes she was tempted to call Rexy over, or even pretend the raptors were coming. It's wasn't like she was trying to irritate the Commander, but he had a problem with giving ground to her. Elise would normally respect that, but not when she was trying to drag the trees around. She didn't want to hold power over Blake, she wanted him to move his ass so she didn't flatten him.

Because Claire would not appreciate that.

"Watch it!"

Elise gave a final huff as she snapped her crimson gaze to pierce the bristling man when she had stepped a little too close to him. She was a patient creature, but God was not willing today. Blake held his weapon at the ready, and Elise made a motion for him to move. Blake did not comply, and he narrowed his eyes at her challengingly.

Elise didn't have to put up with this. He was in her mother's territory, while she cleaned it up. She was the one the workers looked to when they heard leaves rustle. She was the one they were trusting to protect them from the other dinosaurs. Blake was only creating a tension in the air. Blake was making his men nervous by being so stiff and snappish.

And Blake made the stupid mistake of briefly glancing away after challenging a creature with a little too much Velociraptor in her DNA.

Elise snapped her splayed claws out as she none too gently pinned the startled man onto the ground. She briefly glanced at the weapon that had fallen just out the gloved fingers' reach, and Blake snapped his gaze back to Elise's. She saw no fear in those eyes; only that fiery challenge. He had made a stupid mistake, but he wasn't going to show fear around her.

Elise would respect him for that much, but it didn't mean she was going to like him; or let him up. She didn't glance up when she heard the other ACU officers clicking their weapons, and she was mildly surprised when Blake kept eye contact as he barked, "Hold fire! This is between me and Freak!"

Elise gave a dangerous snap of her teeth, but Blake refused to back down. He didn't try to push the hand up, and both refused to even blink. The Commander curled his lip before taunting, "What's it like to be the only freak like yourself in the whole planet? Huh?"

The Indominus curled her own lip into a cruel smile at the biting words; this was exactly why she didn't want to be around strangers. Owen understood her; he made sure others saw her as he did, but she didn't have that now. When Elise was around strangers, like Blake, they were at liberty to take her at face value.

A freak.

Elise tilted her head when Blake gave the slightest shiver before saying in disgust, "That is the creepiest smile I have ever seen."

Oh, Elise knew how to make it better; she had passed the pond to gaze at her reflection. She had taken the time to play with the smile a little bit.

The scales shivered as the lips were pulled back as far as possible to reveal the red gums holding crooked teeth. The bleeding crimson smeared high into a horrific crooked grin that seemed to offset the entire face, and the Indominus allowed saliva to dribble onto the man as a promised whisper of death fell from her slightly parted jaws.

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