Chapter 12

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More warnings for heart wrenching!

Also death.

Heart wrenching death.

Enjoy you wonderfully honest people you.

"I Am Sorry."

Elise gave a critical stare at the redhead when she had kneeled in front of the cave that had withstood so many, long days and nights. Claire blinked at Small One, and Elise wasn't sure if her sister liked Claire or not. Claire suddenly reached out before gently pulling a dried piece of brush away from the cave.

Small One liked Claire; she was gentle on her little, fragile bones.

Elise could never picture Small One being bigger than what she always was. She wasn't sure Small One was meant to grow big and strong like Elise had. She was so little; Elise had always been bigger than her tiny sister.

Owen glanced to the side of him when Claire swallowed. She wasn't sure what to do, and he gently nudged her. Claire blinked at him, and he quietly said, "There's no teeth one ate her..."

Claire swallowed again as she began to trace the sturdy, earth coffin around the little creature, but she didn't say anything. Owen glanced back at Elise, and she didn't seem upset by any of this. He turned back to Claire, and quietly asked, "Did...the workers just assume...?"

Claire's face gave a grimace, but she quickly covered up as she gave a quick nod. She cleared her throat before whispering, "They said they found the sister's finger stuck in her teeth...."

Owen peered into the cave as he counted the digits, and he said, "Unless she had an extra, her fingers are all here."

Claire swallowed, and couldn't stop herself from trying to brush more dirt off the brown bones. The skeleton was no bigger than a large housecat; it was so hard to imagine Elise ever being that small. Claire was afraid of accidently breaking the small bones, but she felt the need to offer some kind of comfort. Owen continued to stare at her, and she finally said, "They probably made a mistake then...they were afraid of even getting close to her. They only assumed, and we didn't have the thermal detectors until a couple years later. We tried to do a sweep with the cameras, but we never found the sister. We just..."

Claire suddenly stood, and she turned to Elise. She didn't make eye contact as she tried to go into business mode, and said, "Thank you for answering my question, Elise."

Claire took a few steps towards the thick brush as she added, "I know my way out..."

Elise highly doubted that, but the redhead disappeared into the emerald leaves. Elise didn't understand why Claire was upset, but she turned her attention back to Owen when he gently asked, "Been protecting your little sister all this time?"


Owen gave the smile that made Elise feel good about herself, and he asked, "Were you trying to get out? Or did we startle you?"

Elise thought about that. She still wasn't sure what had drawn them into her paddock, and it had startled her. She had been wanting to get out though; Small One had wanted to see the world outside the tall walls. There were sweet smelling flowers outside their paddock that Elise wanted.

Then the people were screaming, and the red rage clouded her thoughts. She couldn't remember much after snapping her jaws around the bigger, squishy human. Owen suddenly asked, "Why did you put those claw marks in the walls?"

Elise blinked; she put claw marks on all the walls. It was something to do, and she liked dragging her sharp weapons across the hard surface. Was Owen talking about the ones near the thick glass room? Elise had done that to scare the big squishy one, but she hadn't realized he wasn't in there until afterwards, then she left to go talk to Small One.

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