Chapter 49

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Hey guys!

I'm really sorry about not posting last night, the website was down, and I couldn't get to it. It's the first thing I checked this morning though so thank you for your patience!

thesecondoreo, I actually really like that song; you got good taste in music.

Oreo, I'm sorry about the heartstrings; I'll probably do it again in another chapter.

xxXScotbritXxx, I was talking about the adults who passed away and no spoilers.

I'm happy to see we are all getting along again, and I just want to remind you that the 'discussions' for mature debaters (people who can respect others' opinions during an argument) take place over on the Tropes page. Link is on my profile. Feel free to discuss whatever you like, as long as it pertains to the story, and it really does not take long to make an account. Seriously, all it wants is a profile name, and an email address.

And the contract you signed? The little next button at the bottom of the page is really a 'I agree to be part of the family' in disguise button ;) Where are the terms? I'm just that sly; it's why I am able to come up with a very creepy character like Bridges.

Anyways, thank you Hellhound117 for giving me permission to use Derick McCoy's character; yes I am tired of creating OC's, no, he's not there for the fun of it.

Thank you guys for your reviews, your help in keeping things calm, and your guys' willingness to apologize afterwards; that really warmed me. I'm glad I have mature readers like that. Thank you much and mighty, love you guys, we love each other because we're family, love and sunshine peoples. Love and sunshine.


"That's Classified."

"Goodness, you are going through another growth spurt, aren't you?"

Carnifex only replied by snapping his jaws into the chunk of meat generously tossed down to him. The Spinosaurus wasn't the most talkative of creatures, but the scarlet dinosaur loved a good, loud fight.

Bridges did as well.

The icy, blue eyes wandered of the paddock as an emerald gaze waited for another potential treat. Bridges sighed as he tossed down another chunk of good beef, and said, "We might have to enlarge the paddock again, Carnifex. I do believe you just might get bigger than your father, hmm?"

The Spinosaurus made a low growl as he began to sniff around the disturbed earth, but snapped his gaze up when Bridges gave a short whistle. Bridges glanced at the damning, crimson splotch that was dwarfed by the massive foot. Bridges couldn't help dryly asking, "But do you really have to eat a worker every time you feel the growing pains?"

The emerald eyes held no remorse nor any need to change his way of life. His legs were hurting, he was irritated, and the worker had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bridges snorted as he leaned on the railing, and added, "I can't believe how quickly you've grown; I don't think Sobek was this large when he was your age."

A smooth hand began to rub a defined chin as Bridges mused, "Your spoiled life has certainly done you well, hasn't it? I'm not sure you could beat your father in a fight though; he's a ruthless sonofabitch... I haven't seen him for a month or so..."

Bridges flickered his gaze back to the grouchy Spinosaurus when Carnifex decided it was time to go do something else. Bridges wasn't bothered, he liked their relationship. They liked each other, they got along, but if one died, the other wouldn't be all that torn; they could depend on each other though.

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