Chapter 7

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"It Tolls For Thee."

Owen squinted when the sun had finally managed to disturb him, and he slowly sat up in his hammock. He felt a little better after showering, but he hadn't gotten much sleep in the night. He didn't have anywhere to go, and he still hadn't thought of a plan to save Elise.


Owen knew there was a nearby island of dinosaurs. It was owned by InGen, but they hardly ever did anything with the dinosaurs on that island. They were much more violent, and the raptors were ruthless. Owen remembered trying to tame a few raptors from that island, before the park had supplied Blue and her siblings, and it had been an absolute nightmare.

Four trips to the island, each time there were four raptors brought back, and only one would actually survive. It would be the winner of brutal, endless fights in the cage onboard. Then the surviving raptor would go into violent seizures before going into a coma, and dying. The vet was forced to perform an autopsy, and discovered there was a kink in the immune system; all the Velociraptors on Isla Sorna were infected with prions, the causes of several degenerative brain diseases.

Unless Owen was sure he would be able to somehow give a vaccination to Elise, he couldn't risk her catching the prions on the other island. It was spread through bites, and Owen knew those raptors would be brave enough to fight Elise.

Those raptor packs on Isla Sorna weren't even organized as a pack should be. There were no Alphas nor Betas, no one stayed behind to guard the nests, and it seemed to be every raptor for itself. There was no social order, just violent creatures, who instinctively knew they were supposed to hunt together.

If there was any way to get the vaccination, assuming there was one, it would be through the Chief Veterinarian, Gerald Harding. The man was old, in his late seventies, but he didn't let that stop him. He had been the Chief Vet for Jurassic Park, and loved working with dinosaurs. Especially the dangerous ones because, "they keep that blood pumpin' real good, and they're the most fun." Owen had a great relationship with him; Dr. Gerry was amazing around the raptors. He never became angry when they snapped at him. He would simply shrug and say, "Why get mad when they're just doing their job? You got good kids, Owen."

Dr. Gerry was a good guy. He appreciated animals of all kinds; he wouldn't be repulsed by Elise. If Owen could get to him fast enough, then maybe there was a chance to get Elise off this island. She would be able to roam free, and he would visit her as often as possible.

Maybe he could convince Claire to reconsider, and have Elise sent there instead. If Gerry would back him up, then there would be a chance.

Owen immediately rolled out of the hammock, and almost tripped over his own feet in his haste to get his boots on. He had almost forgot to put on a shirt as well.

Maybe he could distract Claire if he showed up shirtless…

Owen jumped onto his bike before remembering his radio had been turned off. He could radio Gerry first because that man travelled the island more than any other person here. Very rarely was he in his own office in the Veterinary Building. Owen fumbled with the channel dial, and forced himself to take a deep breath to calm himself. He had to act calm and collected. Gerry was the first channel; always had been.

"Hey, Doc? You there? It's Owen, I need to talk to you…"

Owen held his breath, and prayed the elder would pick up. Gerry would never pick up the radio when he was tending an animal. He always put his patient first. If a Veterinary Technician was with him, and there usually was, then he'd have them answer.

Owen could feel the sweat on his forehead when the radio crackled, and the gravelly voice of the good, old doctor replied, "Owen, 'bout time you turn on that damned thing. Your people have been tryin' to reach your for an hour or so."

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