chapter 2 the hunt begins

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"Shit I fell asleep! " Obito said

It turns out, sitting on a rooftop and waiting for nightfall from noon got pretty boring so Obito took a nap
Now it was a pretty late night and Obito decided to head to the warehouses and see which one had demons
There were 3 warehouses so he went to the roof of the closest one and listened

"Nothing" Obito said

There was no sound of any kind in that warehouse so he want to the roof of the next warehouse and listened

"This one" Obito said

There were sounds of munching and eating so he guessed this was the one
Obito went down and opened the door and what he saw disgusted him
He saw 3 demons, organs, body parts everywhere, he was used to war but usually the dead bodies he saw only had slice wounds, stab wounds in internal organs, and perhaps missing body parts but he never had to see something like this
"Look at that, a lost human stumbled to us to become our meal" One of the demons said

That said demon immediately jumped at Obito and Obito quickly summoned his shakujo to block the attacks

"What the hell is this staff, I can't break it, and where did it come from? " Said the now confused demon

The demon quickly jumped back and the other 2 demons were also confused at what that black staff was but they didn't care as all they saw was a meal
Obito however decided to stand there in a defensive position and to observe his enemies, if he was going to try and eradicate these demons, he needs to know his enemies
He made note of one thing, the pile that each demon had was different in size of the human remains with the one that attacked having the smallest pile

"You'll become my meal! " The demon with the largest pile said

He proceeded to block the attack again and kicked the demon back

"Strong one aren't you" The demon that was kicked said

Obito made note of the fact that, that demons punch had a lot more power in it than the one in the smallest pile so he assumed that the demon that had eaten more will have more power in speed, strength and agility
With this new found knowledge he was ready to attack

"Let's if this staff works" Obito said

Suddenly the shakujo extended and hit the left shoulder of the demon with the smallest pile, severing the arm of that demon

"What the hell was that, no matter, watch thi-, what, why can't I regenerate?! " The confused and panicked demon said

The anti-regeneration properties of the shakujo had worked against the demon, the fact that the demon that was hit couldn't regenerate his arm also caused confusion and slight panic in the other demons but they were still determined to get him

"Stop trying so hard! " The demon with the medium pile said

That demon jumped up in the air and tried to land on Obito with both hands and feet first
Obito saw this and quickly aimed the shakujo at the demons head and extended it
The demons head got obliterated and the body fell to the ground and didn't move, becoming a lifeless body

"So the head is the weakness, interesting" Obito said

The fact that one of them died absolutely terried the other demons with the one that has the missing arm trembling and the strongest one afraid but still decided to charge head on

"Fire style : fireball jutsu" Obito said

Suddenly flames came out of Obito mouth and was directed at the demon that was charging him
The demon was put to a stop and in shock as to how this "mere human" Could possibly have the ability to do this
Obito took this chance to launch the shakujo and aimed it at the demons head and obliterated it making the body fall to the ground dead

"One more left" Obito said

He started approaching the last demon while that demon was taking steps back and began running away
Obito saw this and began running after it and with his immense speed, showed right in front of the demon

"No, no, no, no, no, no" The terrified demon said

Obito extended his shakujo at the demons head and killed it
He also made note that demons could still feel emotions

"That was a good start" Obito said

He soon left the ware house and it was still night outside so he went inside his kamui dimension and took another nap

The Demon Hunter (naruto and demon slayer crossover) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt