chapter 10 rest

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When Obito and Tanjiro got out they saw Zenitsu hugging the box on his knees while bleeding a bit while another person who had a boar mask and had the leggings of a demon slayers uniform shouting at Zenitsu

"Draw your sword and fight, you coward! " The person said

Now Tanjiro was absolutely petrified but Obito kept his calm analyzed the situation, Shoichi was crying in the edge of the forest probably because he can't do anything, Zenitsu was bleeding, and the person with the boar mask kept on kicking Zenitsu

"I protected your box Tanjiro, because you said it before, that this is more important, than your life" Zenitsu said

Obito had enough and suddenly appeared behind the person with the boar mask and knocked him out with a swift hit to the back of the neck

"Zenitsu are you okay, let's patch up those wounds" Tanjiro said

"Thank you Tanjiro, also Obito-san, how did you get behind that boar headed person so fast? " Zenitsu asked

"Well let's just say that I'm simply really fast" Obito said

After a couple of minutes, Tanjiro had patched all of Zenitsu's wounds with the only exception being the little blue spot above his eyes
Obito had taken off his mask then proceeded to take off the boar mask of the person and they were all surprised by how nice he looked that even Zenitsu momentarily thought that he was a girl, anyways they laid him down using Tanjiro's haori as a pillow and Zenitsu's haori as a blanket for him

"Zenitsu, Obito-san, we should probably burry all the bodies in this mansion" Tanjiro said

They started with the corpse of the person that jumped out of the mansion, after several minutes they buried the body and this was when the person with the boar mask woke up, got up, and began chasing Zenitsu

"He's awake" Zenitsu said

"Let's fight" The person that was wearing the boat mask said repeatedly

"He's like that after he wakes up, that kind of person is the scariest! " Zenitsu said

Then Zenitsu decided to hide behind the little girl instead of the other way around
Whilst this was happening, everyone else was almost done with burrying the first corpse and now everyone turned around and faced the person that was wearing the boar mask

"Weird half scar man, I'll tell you my name, it's Inosuke Hashibira, and I want you to hit me again, and what the hell are all of you doing! " Inosuke said

"I won't do that because it's unnecessary and we're burying bodies" Obito said

"Come help us Inosuke, there are more dead people in the house" Tanjiro said

"What's the meaning of burying a corpse? I won't do it, I won't help, leave it, come and fight with me! " Inosuke said

"If you don't want to help, all right then, you don't have to, but I'll still be burying these bodies" Obito said

This was when Tanjiro had an idea to get Inosuke to help them

"I see, you can't help because you're seriously injured" Tanjiro said

This shocked and angered Inosuke

"No, it's okay, everyone's pain tolerance is different after all, moving the dead people outside, digging, and burying them can be really tiring, I'll work hard with Zenitsu and the children, Don't worry, rest well Inosuke, sorry for forcing you when you're injured" Tanjiro said

Every sentence that came out of Tanjiro at that moment angered Inosuke

"Don't look down on me, be it 100 or 200 people, watch me as I bury them, I'm better at burying bodies than anyone else" Inosuke said

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