chapter 8 some friends

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Obito was walking out of a forest into a farm when he saw something strange in the distance, there was a teenager on his knees begging to a girl and the girl trying to get away from him.
Obito also saw that there were 2 teenagers there, both were wearing the demon slayer uniform, 1 was wearing a yellow haori with some triangles on the haori and was begging to the girl, the other had a checkered haori and had sparrow on his hands and seemed to be able to communicate to it.
Obito decided to take off his mask and head closer to see what was going on

"What are you doing in the middle of the road, you know she's not willing! " The one wearing a checkered haori said

"What's going on here? " Obito asked

"Oh, hello sir, you see-" The one wearing the checkered haori was cut off

"Sir, this girl is willing to marry me, I need to marry someone before I die, I can die at any second! " The one with the yellow haori yelled

"What are you talking about, I only saw you on the side of the road crouching down and looking unwell, I only wanted to make sure you were fine, I have no feelings for you, goodbye! " The girl said

Suddenly, the face of the one with the yellow haori became shocked. And the girl decided to walk away

"Ah so that's the situation, why the hell did you think that a random girl you have never met before, asking if you were okay, signs that she wanted to marry you,you are a demon slayer right?! " Obito semi yelled

"Wait sir, how do you know we are demon slayers, how do you know the demon slayer corps exist, who are you? "
The one wearing the checkered haori asked

"Caw, caw, that is the demon hunter, caw" The crow said

"The demon hunter, you aren't wearing the demon slayers uniform, you even seem to have a nichirin sword, how are you able to hunt demons? " The one with checkered haori asked

"That is a complicated explanation, but first let's start with introductions, my name is Uchiha Obito, what are your names? " Obito asked

"My name is Kamado Tanjiro" The one wearing the checkered haori said

"Agatsuma Zenitsu" The one wearing the yellow haori said

The crow landed on Tanjiro's shoulder

"Is that crow yours? " Obito asked

"Yes, it was given to the members of the demon slayer corps to help us locate the demons" Tanjiro said

"Sure could've used one of those to help me find the demons" Obito said

"How do you find the demons if you don't have a crow to help you? " Tanjiro asked

"Through the locals, I help them, and they usually end up telling me rumors" Obito said

"You guys don't even notice I'm here" Zenitsu said while kneeling down on the side of the road all the while Obito and Tanjiro have their conversation

"Sorry Zenitsu-san, also would you like to join me on my next mission" Tanjiro asked

"Fine" Zenitsu said

"I'll come along" Obito said

"Do any of you want a riceball? " Tanjiro asked

"I want one, I'm kind of hungry, are you also gonna have one? " Zenitsu asked

"No, that rice ball is my last one" Tanjiro said

Zenitsu decided to split the rice ball in half for him and Tanjiro

"Thank you Zenitsu-san,Obito-san, what do you usually eat? " Tanjiro asked

"These, food pills, that have the nutritions required in a single meal" Obito said as he was pulling one food pill out

"What, that exists, how did you get those? " Tanjiro asked

"I got them from a friend, so are we going to the next mission location? " Obito asked

"Yes, my crow said it's this way" Tanjiro said

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