chapter 19 revealing conversation

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" Here, before I forget" Obito said while handing Rengoku a food pill

"Eat it whenever you feel like it" Obito said

"I understand, thank you friend" Kyojuro said

"You're welcome" Obito said

"I will be returning to my home now, see you later" Kyojuro said

"See you later too" Obito said

Obito then headed inside the mansion to see how things were going with Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu
He went inside the room and all of them were already sound asleep
Obito also saw Giyü being patched up by Shinobu and decided to approach

" What do you want Uchiha-san?" Shinobu asked

" I was going to ask if you perhaps have a guest room that I could use to sleep tonight " Obito said

" Yes I do. AOI!" Shinobu said

Aoi then appeared at the door to the patients room

" Yes, Shinobu-sama" Aoi said

"Take Uchiha-san here to the guest room, I need to take care of Tomioka-san here who seems to keep getting injured every month" Shinobu said

"Sorry for troubling you Kocho" Giyü said

" It's no problem Tomioka-san, just please try harder to take care of yourself" Shinobu said

" This way, Uchiha-san" Aoi said

Aoi led Obito to the guest room that they had

" Will this do Uchiha-san?" Aoi asked

"Yes, it will" Obito said

Obito then proceeded to rest for the night
Obito woke up the next morning and decided to walk to the kitchen, Obito knew where the kitchen because yesterday when Aoi was guiding Obito, they passed the kitchen
When he got there, he saw the triplets there busy making some food

" Good morning Uchiha-sama, would you like some breakfast?" Naho said

"Yes, I would like some steamed rice, miso soup, and fish" Obito said

"We'll have that prepared for you soon Uchiha-sama" Kiyo said

It didn't take too long for the triplets to finish making the food and Obito began eating, which was when Kayanya arrived being guided by his wife

" Good morning Obito, sorry to interrupt your breakfast. I came here to talk" Kagaya said

" Sure, what would you like to talk about?" Obito asked

" I would like to talk about you, tell me about your past" Kagaya said

" My past is something I am not proud of, I did many bad things, killed many people, I was a villain pursuing a cause" Obito said

" And what would that cause be? " Kagaya said

" In my world, there is a jutsu called infinite tsukuyomi, it has the ability to put the entire population of the world into a dream where in that dream, they obtain everything they ever wanted. That was the cause I was trying to achieve. it wasn't until I was defeated that it was shown to me that reality, as saddening as it may be, is the truth and is better than an illusion" Obito said

" I see, well what about your abilities?" Kagaya asked

" I can use things such as the Shakujo by using chakra, in my world, chakra is something in the bodies of every living being and it flows everywhere, we are able to use this chakra to perform jutsus, like summoning the shakujo is a jutsu. I am able to perform fire style and wood style jutsus" Obito said

" Quite interesting, how often do you use these in combat? " Kagaya said

" Not very often, usually I would be able to take care of the demons with just the shakujo" Obito said

" I am impressed, you are quite the useful friend to have" Kagaya said

" Thank you, Oyakata-sama" Obito said

" I aslo would like to ask, how did you manage to transport between two worlds?" Kagaya asked

"In my world, there is a figure called Rikkudo Sennin, he is somewhat of a god and after I died, I was summoned by him and he transported me here to help with slaying demons" Obito said

" Thank you for this insightful conversation, Obito-san" Kagaya said

" Thank you as well for accepting me" Obito said

Kagaya then leaves the butterfly mansion being guided by his wife
Then Shinobu entered the kitchen bringing two dirty playes with her

" Who's dish are those? " Obito asked

" Mine and Tomioka-san's" Shinobu said

" He stayed the night? " Obito said

" Yes, his injuries gave him trouble walking, but it should be mostly healed today" Shinobu said

" Good for him" Obito said

" How is Tanjiro and the others? " Obito asked

" They're doing fine, Zenitsu keeps refusing to take his medicine but Aoi keeps finding a way. Tanjiro and Inosuke is going through rehabilitation training and so far that is also going great" Shinobu said

" That's great to hear" Obito said


Obito woke up at 9 am and picked up his war suit that the triplets decided to wash for him yesterday and began wearing it
Almost on queue, the sound of a Kasugai crow was heard

" Caw, caw, Obito Uchiha, head to Yonbu town and rendezvous with the sound Hashira to investigate the deaths, caw, caw" the kasugai crow said

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