chapter 18 first mission

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The kasugai crow has guided Obito to Iwotsu town and met up with Rengoku

"Good afternoon Obito Uchiha, I do not think we have formally met. I am Kyojuro Rengoku, nice to meet you" Kyojuro said

" Nice to meet you too, Rengoku-san" Obito said

" Would you like to grab lunch, Uchiha-san? " Kyojuro asked

" Sure why not" Obito said

And so that is what the two did, they went to a nearby restaurant and ordered food

"I'll have some Udon and sweet potatoes" Kyojuro said

"Rengoku-san, you will be paying right? Because I don't have money" Obito said

"Do not worry, I will be paying" Kyojuro said

" Thank you, Rengoku-san. I will be having the Udon and some mitarashi dango" Obito said

The server left and Obito and Kyojuro decided to start some small talk

" Uchiha-san, would it be alright if I ask some questions about you? " Kyojuro said

" Yes, it's alright" Obito said

" If you don't have money then, how did you eat when you first came here? " Kyojuro asked

" I ate these, these are food pills, they contain the minimal nutrition needs of a human being in each pill, but they're quite bitter" Obito said while pulling out a pouch filled with food pills

" I see, may I try one later? " Kyojuro

" Sure. Also, I would like to ask. Do these joint Hashira missions happen often? " Obito asked

" No, they do not. Joint Hashira missions usually happen when there is a 12 kizuki we can kill, but as far as I know, there is not a member of the 12 kizuki here. My suspicions is that Oyakata-sama wishes to increase teamwork with you as you are the newest Hashira" Kyojuro said

" I see, that is very thoughtful of Oyakata-sama " Obito said

Their food has arrived and the two began eating their food

"Umai" Kyojuro said

This was unexpected by Obito

"Umai" Kyojuro said

" Rengoku-san, why do you keep saying Umai after each bite" Obito asked

" That is because when I was training to join the demon slayer corps, I read a couple of books about the samurai one thing that fascinated me was that a samurai should savor every single bite because they don't know if it will be their last" Kyojuro

" That is quotes interesting and smart, but don't worry friend, I'll make sure that last bite won't happen for quite some time" Obito said

"I appreciate it, Uchiha-san" Kyojuro said

The two continued to eat their food with Rengoku repeatedly saying Umai with each bite of his food
The two later finished their food and was about to leave until they noticed a man at the corner of the restaurant having drank copious amounts of sake and looking very depressed and so Kyojuro and Obito decided to ask what was wrong

" Good afternoon sir, may I ask- " Kyojuro was cut off

" Go away" the man said

" Excuse me?" Obito asked

" I said go away, I don't need anything from the two of you" the man said

" Sir, I just want to ask. what is wrong, and why are you in such a sad state?" Kyojuro said

"Why I am like this? THAT'S BECAUSE MY BEST FRIEND DIED! I saw it all happened, this humid creature with grey skin, red eyes and fangs leaped at us at night and killed my best friend, and then while running away, I looked back and I saw his intestines being ripped out and that thing was eating it. I tried telling other people, BUT NONE OF THEM BELIEVED ME! Ah... Screw it, why am I even telling you this, you probably don't even believe me" the man said

"Actually sir, we fully believe you and might be able to help. Why don't you tell us where the incident happened?" Kyojuro said

"Oh, sure, it happened to the Northside of the town, near the old metal factory" the man said

"Thank you young man, I wish you all the best with dealing with this grievance " Obito said

"Thank you as well for believing me" the man said

After that, Obito and Rengoku left the restaurant and immediately began making their way to the Northside of the town and also asking a few locals the location of the old metal factory
The two eventually got there while it was  evening

" We should head into the metal factory, I think the demon is hiding in there" Obito said

"Agreed" Kyojuro said

The two headed towards the metal factory and opened the doors to see all the empty boxes dusty interiors and also how dark the place is
The two headed in deeper into the factory, that was when suddenly the demon showed itself jumping down from a nearby vent and lunging towards Rengoku and Obito
Rengoku immediately pulled out his sword and sliced off the demons arm while Obito kicked the demon backwards.
The demon scowled at the two before jumping back into the ventilation system

"Nice work" Obito said

" You too"  Kyojuro said

The two stood guard as they could hear the sounds of the demon crawling around the ventilation system
The demon decided to try its luck again and ended to be very fortunate... Well for Obito and Rengoku, it was very unfortunate for the demon as its head decapitated by Rengoku and its head obliterated by Obito

"We should make our way back now" Kyojuro said

"Yes, we should" Obito said

"It will be quite the long run" Kyojuro said

"Doesn't necessarily have to be" Obito said

" What do you mean? " Kyojuro said

" I have something called the Kamui, other than allowing me to phase through objects, it also allows me to teleport. Would you like to try it? " Obito said

" Sure" Kyojuro said

And so Obito used his sharingan eyes and transported both of them into the Kamui dimension

"Welcome, to the Kamui dimension" Obito said

"This place looks rather strange" Kyojuro said

"Well yes, it looks quite strange but I assure you that the laws of physics still apply here. And also something else I found is that, you are incapable of achieving death in here" Obito said

" What do you mean by that? " Kyojuro said

" When anyone is in here, they can't die, no matter the injuries they have" Obito said

" That is quite interesting" Kyojuro said

" Yes, I agree. Now, shall we head back?" Obito asked

" We shall" Kyojuro said

And so Obito transported the two of them to the front of the butterfly mansion

The Demon Hunter (naruto and demon slayer crossover) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin