chapter 22 Entertainment District

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Obito woke up to the sounds of screams from the front yard

"No! Please don't! Please, let us her and I go! Please!" Aoi screamed

"So annoying, just shut up" Tengen said

When Obito heard this, he got up, put on his mask and rushed outside

" what are you doing?" Obito said in a menacing voice

" ah Obito-san, I know this looks bad-" Tengen said

"Explain" Obito said

In the distance, Obito could see two of the triplets very distraught  and screaming and Kanao looking... I don't even know what to call that facial expression
Obito suddenly felt a presence behind him as Tanjiro and before he was about to turn around, Tanjiro pushed him aside and proceeded to attempt to headbutt Tengen which didn't work due to his speed which led him to the top of the toori gate

"Release the girls!" Tanjiro yelled

"I need female members for this next mission I'm going on" Tengen said

"Naho isn't even a demon slayer, she doesn't know how to wield a nichirin blade" Tanjiro said

Tengen takes a good look on Naho

"Guess I don't need you" Tengen said then throws her in Obito's direction

"Aoi also isn't a demon slayer, release her" Obito said

"Then who do you suggest I take on my mission?" Tengen asked

"We'll go in Aoi's stead" Obito said

Suddenly Zenitsu and Inosuke appeared and stood beside Tanjiro

"You have your volunteers, release her" Obito said

"Okay then, you three can come with me. By the way, Uchiha-san, do you want to tag along, there is a possibility of an upper moon being present " Tengen said

"Sure" Obito said


"We'll be infiltrating the entertainment district" Tengen said

"Entertainment district?" Tanjiro asked confused

"You know, that place. It's where people... You really don't know?" Zenitsu asked

"I also don't know what an entertainment district is" Obito said (correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there is an entertainment district or something similar in the Naruto world)

"Doesn't matter, you'll soon find out" Tengen said and proceeded to start running very fast

The others follow him and start running along to chase after him

"Be careful!" Aoi yelled

The quintet arrived in the entertainment district by late evening but the brightness in the place was very lively as the place was lit up with lights at every street and corner and beautiful women looking at them
Safe to say, everyone there other than Tengen were fascinated

"Listen up, kids. We're only here to observe. So keep a low profile. So never  off of the rickshaw" Tengen said

Soon enough, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro got off the rickshaw and began looking around the entertainment district in astonishment


"Uzui, calm down, we'll find them, I doubt they can cause much problems" Obito said

It didn't take very long for both Obito and Tengen to find the trio while two of them were looking around and Tanjiro trying to calm Inosuke down

"Where are you rascals going? Hey, yellow head, stop right there" Tengen said

The quintet were able to regroup

"This is the Yoshiwara entertainment district. A night district where the allure and desire of men and women creates a storm of love and hatred. Isn't it flamboyant?" Tengen said

"What is this place?! There are people everywhere! " Inosuke said while looking like he's in a daze

"PIG ASSAULT!" Inosuke screamed while charging forward but was fortunately held by Obito before he could cause a mess of harm someone
Zenitsu soon became very astonished by the entertainment district and tried to walk around

"Oi! Yellow head!" Tengen said while gripping Zenitsu's arm

The quintet were able to regroup once more

"Take a good look. This place sleeps during the day but shines so brilliantly at night. It's the perfect place for demons, isn't it? The courtesans here are usually women who were sold because of poverty or debt. In return they're given clothing, food, and shelter. As their career progresses, someone rich may buy them off. There are different ranks of courtesans, but the top, the oiran, are distinct. Not just beautiful, they also need to be smart and talented. They're special women on whom brothels spend their time and money to nurture" Tengen said

Obito didn't really think about it but yeah. The population of a place peaking at night would be perfect for a demon as they would have a much easier time finding and consuming prey
As for Obito's opinion on the entertainment district is that the place is lively on the surface but the courtesans being sold due to financial issues shows an underlying problem within the place

"That's interesting" Tanjiro said

"Well, enough sightseeing. Let's go" Tengen said

The quintet walked for a while following Tengen who seemed to know where he was going
And sure enough, he led them to a wisteria house
The quintet settled down

"Listen up, after you've infiltrated the brothels-" Tengen was cut off

"Eh! What do you mean by infiltrating the brothels?" Obito asked

"I mean exactly what I mean, you're all going to infiltrate the brothels to find my wives. As for you Uchiha-san, you don't need to infiltrate the brothels, I brought these 3 with me for that purpose. But you can infiltrate the place as well if you want" Tengen said

"Unacceptable! This is no joking matter! How dare you use your men to find wives for you!" Zenitsu said

Zenitsu was then bonked by Obito for his idiotic behaviour

"Idiot. His wives are obviously spies in the brothels trying to find the demon that's hiding here" Obito said

"Ah! You're pretty smart" Tengen said

"I have experience in sabotage and espionage" Obito said

"Unfortunately, I have lost contact with my wives and so I've recruited you all to help me find them" Tengen said while pulling out a bunch of messages

"These are all the messages my wives have sent me through crows" Tengen said

"There's quite a lot of them. They must have been here for quite some time already. So what exactly are we supposed to do" Tanjiro said

"We'll need to get in disguise" Tengen said

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