chapter three: lovers land

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It took us a few minutes to get out of the mob that crowded the exits. When we finally got outside I found a bench near the street where I sat down. Addie sat next to me and I spent half an hour thinking about the player who flipped me the puck.

"What's got her grinning?" someone asks in front of me.

I snap out of thought and look up. "Callum!" I jumped up and gave him a hug. "I finally came to a game like you asked!" I exclaimed.

"About time you did," he rolled his eyes. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend or will I have to do it myself?" he asks while raising an eyebrow.

Before I can say anything Addie cuts me off. "I'm Addison," she says, holding out her hand. "You played great tonight," she smirks at him.

"Thank you," he smiled politely.

I gave them both a quick glance before I turned around and smiled at myself. There were definitely fireworks flying here.

"Anyways," I turned back around. "Cal, who's number 79 on the team?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, that's Ryan. I saw him over by you at the end of the game." he replied.

"Yeah..." I trailed off with an obvious grin.

"Looks like your girl is in lovers land over here," Addie jokes.

"Funny." I retort while looking back to Callum. I saw his smile falter for a split second before I spotted someone walk up behind him.

"Hey Callum," a man said while putting his hand on Callum's shoulder. "Do you mind if I borrow her for a second?" he asked.

Callum nodded and turned my direction. I gave him a small smile before walking past him.

"I'm sorry, but uhm-who are you?" I asked while looking up at the man.

"Sorry," he apologizes. "I haven't actually introduced myself. I'm Ryan," he held hand out.

"Danielle," I said, shaking his hand.

"I'm the one who flipped you the puck earlier. I just wanted to say that you're very pretty," he compliments me.

"Thank you," I smiled. It was still dark outside but from the surrounding street lamps, I could see that he was handsome. Very handsome.

"I've seen you around with Callum. Do you go here?" he asks while running a hand through his hair.


"I do, actually this is my last year," I nodded.

"Same here. How come I've never seen you around? I'm sure I would've recognized a girl like you," he asked.

"I haven't really been around the hockey scene much," I shrugged.

"Oh c'mon, I don't believe that," he tilts his head at me. "Not even once?" he asks.

I shook my head, "I have my reasons," I laughed.

"You're a very interesting woman I'll say," he grinned. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah...see you around." I said before walking back to Callum and Addie.

The two seemed to be hitting it off pretty well. From what I could hear, Addie couldn't contain her laughter around him.

"Am I interrupting anything?" I asked.

"No," Addie replied.

"Yes," Callum replied.

"Oh," I raised my brow. "Well I'm gonna head home so..." I trailed off giving them a look.

"Uhm-why don't I go with you. I'm pretty tired," Addie sighed.

"But we were in the middle of a conversation," Callum pleaded.

"Chicks before dicks Cal," I hollered before walking away with Addie's arm looped in mine.

"Bye Callie!" Addie shouts before she's dragged with me.

Wow. Nicknames already?

Looks like I'm not the only one in lovers land.

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