chapter seventeen: secrets

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"So, are you doing anything for Thanksgiving Dani?" Addie asks.

It was currently one in the morning and Callum was passed out next to us on the couch. No sign of his roommate though.

"No actually. I usually just fly out to Wisconsin to visit my hometown." I admitted.

"Oh, I'm sure your parents will be happy to see you," she says softly.

"I uhm–they're not around anymore," I whispered.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Why don't you come with me to my parents house. They've been wanting to meet you for a long time," she explains.

"You talk about me to your parents?" I asked.

"All the time. You know, it kind of sounds like we're dating and you're meeting my parents for the first time," she laughs softly.

"Well we're not dating...but I would be meeting them for the first time." I reasoned.

"So would you like to come with me?" she asks.

"Of course, I'd be happy to." I smiled.

"I'll help you pack tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah." I yawned before turning my eyes back to the TV.


"That's everything I think," I said, pushing the top of my suitcase down.

"Well you didn't need to pack that much. You'll only be away for a couple of days," she reasoned.

"Didn't want to miss anything," I admitted.

"You could just borrow from me, now come on. We have a long drive ahead of us." she zips up my suitcase and ushers me out of my room.

We got downstairs and I said goodbye to the security guard I always pass. I put my suitcase in her trunk and got into her car.

"How long is this drive again?" I asked, getting the directions on my phone.

"About three and a half hours," she said nonchalantly.

"Three and a half hours!" I groaned.

"Hey! Don't complain. You have the best driver in the world right next to you," she boasts starting the car.

"Oh lord," I sighed. "Are there any places we're going to visit besides your parents?" I asked.

"Yes, there's this bakery and oh my god. You're going to love it. It has the best cupcakes ever." she exclaims.

The thought of food made my stomach rumble but now I at least had something to look forward to on the drive there. The first few minutes of the drive were silent but then we started up a conversation and practically talked the whole way.

She was so easy to talk to, it was almost astonishing. Play any song and she would have her own personal concert singing all the lyrics. She could ramble about anything that came to her mind and I would pitch in so she wasn't talking to a wall.

The GPS said we had about ten minutes left until we were at her house. The sun was already setting and Addie got back in the car after filling up the tank. My head rested on the seatbelt as I looked out the window.

"Hey Dani?" Addie asks, starting up the car again.


"I've been meaning to ask this but..." she trails off as she pulls out of the gas station.

This gets my attention. What could she possibly be asking?

"I've been noticing recently and uhm–and Callum has too, but you aren't around much anymore. Like around the apartment I mean." she says, switching lanes.

"Oh...I've just been busy with work and you know..." I trailed off trying to make an excuse. "I don't really want to third wheel you two."

"Dani, you never third wheel and we all know that. Callum said you used to be there all the time and I know a bar can't be fully packed on a random Wednesday night," she gives me a pointed look.

"Keep your eyes on the road Costa," I laughed trying to divert the topic. I had a feeling this was going to be a bad conversation.

"Does it have something to do with Hunter?" she asks.

"What?" I asked, mustering up some confusion. I knew she would ask me about this sooner or later. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

Was I so obvious?

"Is Hunter the reason you don't come to the apartment anymore? I know you said he annoyed you but he's the only reason I can really think of." she explains.

"No," I lied.

"You're lying," she tilted her head towards me.

"Huh," I acted dumb.

"Your leg is shaking and I can hear you nails tapping the side of the door," she smiles.


I didn't even realize what I was doing until she said something about it. But by then it was too late.

"C'mon Dani, how is a guy you call a child running you out of your friend's apartment?" she laughed.

Because you don't know him like I do.

"Is there something going on between you two because that's the only reason–"

"It's a long story," I cut her off. I think it was time I told her. I trusted her enough and I hope I wasn't wrong about her intentions.

God, I can't even believe I just thought that. Addie's been nothing but amazing to me these past two months.

"Promise you won't tell anyone," I said looking at her.

"I swear on it," she says, holding out her pinky.

I smiled at the gesture and locked my pinky with hers. "But uhm–this is more of a sit down conversation so if we can just wait until we get to your house, that would be great," I warned her.

"That deep huh?" she asks.

"Yeah." I sighed, turning towards the window again.

I felt my gut wrench as I thought about what I just promised her. There's a lot I have to explain.

I just hope she's ready to hear it.

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