chapter thrity nine: the cookie crumbles

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I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stay still. I could barely keep my eyes shut. My mind was clouded with thoughts about the conversation I had hours ago.

Somehow Allie has made my brain go into a state of panic. A constant push and pull between my head and my heart.

The more I assured myself that I didn't like him the easier it was for me to think maybe I did.

But I don't.

So why am I trying so hard to deny it?

The only time I felt myself falling asleep was when I was thinking about him. And liking him. But as much as my body says it's right, I don't want it to be.

God I can't keep doing this. I grabbed my phone off the charger and checked the time. It was four in the morning. I needed to sleep.

I put my phone down and a thought popped into my head. Is this what Hunter went through for days? Tossing and turning, not being able to sleep.

I let out an exhausted groan. I feel awful knowing how he felt. More now than ever. I rolled over and flipped my pillow.

I stared out to the pillow in front of me. If convincing myself I liked him was all it took for me to go to sleep, I would do it.

For a couple hours. That's it. A couple hours of assuring myself and getting some rest. And when I wake up he'll be exactly what he was before.

A friend.


"Dani?" I heard a muffled voice at the door. I rolled over with a groan and rubbed my eyes.

Slowly I began to sit up. "Come in." I said and heard the handle turn. My back was against the pillows and I pushed my hair out of my face.

I saw Bev walk towards me with a gleaming smile. "Finally. You're up."

"I'm up." I yawned, kicking my feet out from under the covers. I stretched up but had to take a seat when I felt the rush to my head. "What time is it?"

"Almost one." she says.

"Almost one!?"

"Yes. Now c'mon the guys are almost here." she laughed.

I pushed myself back to my feet and got dressed. I put on a cream sweater and flannel bottoms before heading downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted all the girls. They kept bashing me for sleeping too long but I just waved it off.

There were bowls on the counter with flour and cookie dough on the sides. "We're baking?" I asked. I took in a breath when I realized. "Oh, right. The bake-off."

They all nodded at me. "We better win guys." Raven piped up.

"We could...if any of us knew how to bake." Bev sighed.

"None of you know how to bake?" I asked in shock. They all looked at me and partially shook their heads. "Oh well there goes our win." I threw my hands up in surrender.

"Why would you say that? It's not like they'll have any idea what they're doing either." Raven argues.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Addie says.

"Hunter cooks so they'll have a little bit of knowledge but-"

I'm cut off by Bev. "Wait. Hunter cooks?" I nod and she smiles. "Can he give Marty a lesson? All he knows how to make is instant ramen." she rolls her eyes.

"And Carter. I can barely trust him with a knife." Allie laughs before staring at me. She gives me a cheeky smile and my expression drops.

She cannot still be on this. "Stop." I mouth to her when I hear the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." I say before walking out of the kitchen.

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