chapter eleven: memories

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**last night**

I got into Ryan's car with tears in my eyes.


"Just drive me home," I cut him off, wiping the tears away.

"But are you-"

"Ryan. Just please, drive." I pleaded.

That was the last thing I said before he started driving. It was also the last words said in the car. The ride back was awkwardly silent but I didn't care.

I just wanted to get to my room.

I didn't let him say anything and the car was practically still rolling when I opened the door. I walked into my building and went to my room.

There was too much going on in my head right now. I fumbled with the keys in my pocket before unlocking the door. Pushing it open I was careless walking in.

Forgetting I still had boxes on the ground I accidentally kicked one of them.The box fell over and opened, the contents spilling out.

Just what I fucking needed.

I crouched down to pick the stuff up when I saw an old picture. I picked it up and wiped the thin layer of dust off of it.

It was a picture of me with a medal in my hand and my skates in the other. As I kept looking at it I almost wanted to cry. I was so young and I looked so happy.

I loved figure skating with my whole heart. It was my passion as a child but I hate knowing the reason why I quit it.

And the reason hit me hard.

Everything was coming back all at once. I looked up and felt a tear slip from my eye.

Everything from that day was coming back to me and I tried to push it away. It's been years since I've thought about that time.

The time I wanted to forget forever.

I threw everything back into the box and shoved it in the corner. Hoping that if it was back where it was all the memories would be shut out too.

But when I laid down that night I knew I just opened a door that couldn't be closed again.


I woke up the next morning, my eyes crusted shut. I wiped it away and took a look around my apartment.

It was messy.

I guess there's nothing better for me to do. Cleaning while upset is not ideal but I might as well get it done now.

I stood up from my bed and started picking up all the clothes and wrappers from the floor. When I was done I threw all the clothes in my hamper and walked down to the laundry room.

The music in my ears was the only thing keeping me at peace. I walked into the laundry room only to see that the machines were broken again.

I swear they are never working.

I took out my headphones and turned off do not disturb on my phone. I was shocked to see over ten missed calls from Addison.

I'll call her back later.

I went into my contacts and called Callum. It took a few rings but he finally picked up.

"Dani!" he practically shouted.

"Cal it's too early to be yelling." I groaned.

"It's eleven in the morning. I can be loud," he countered.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"But that doesn't matter. Where the hell have you been?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Addie has been trying to reach you since yesterday." he says.

"I saw. I'm gonna call her back later but I need to ask you something." I responded walking back down the hall.

"What is it?" he asks.

"The machines are broken again so can I go over to your apartment?" I asked. "Please." I added.

"Oh Dani, you and your laundry," he sighed. "You remember where the keys are?" he asked

"Always," I laughed.

"But please call Addie. She really needs to talk to you," he adds.

"I got it. Bye Cal." I said, grabbing my jacket.

"Bye Dani." he said before ending the call.

I walked out of my building and stood at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive. A couple minutes later it rolled to a stop in front of me.

I got off at the closest stop to Callum's building and walked up to his apartment. I took the key from under the small mat before unlocking
the door.

I walked to his laundry room and put my clothes in the wash. It was going to be a while until I could head back so I might as well stick around for a few.

When I walked into the kitchen I almost wanted to puke.

What was he doing here?

He must have felt my presence because when he turned around we made direct eye contact.

"When did you get here?" he asked.

I stood still but avoided his eyes. "Doesn't matter." I mumbled.

"What? I can't hear you," he laughed.

His voice made me uneasy. It still sounded the same after all these years, but maybe just a little deeper.

If I learned one thing from the hell that was highschool, it would be lying. If I could always cover up how I felt I could fake a little confidence now.

"Nothing." I said sharply, glaring him in the eyes. I paid no attention to him walking to the cabinet to get food

"Yep. Just take our food," he said behind me.

"Gladly," I shot back at him, grabbing a bag of chips.

"Do you have a problem with me or something?" he asks.

I turned around and looked at him. He hopped onto the counter and waited for a response.

"Maybe I do," I answered walking towards the living room. "Maybe I don't."

This is going to be a looong couple hours.

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