chapter twenty eight: you were the only one

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For some reason I start to feel my heart speed up a little, "You?"

"Yeah, me." he stops in front of me.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Carter asks.

"Yeah, I mean..."he starts to circle around me, "How hard could it possibly be?"

This gains my attention, "Really?"

"Just a figure skater, right?" he taunts before skating away.

Hearing all of them ooo I scoff, "Fine. Jason pass me your stick," He hands it over, "Thank you." I say before I skate out to center ice.

Everyone had moved to the side and I had a clear shot straight at Hunter. I gripped the stick in my hand and adjusted it so it became comfortable, although I could tell it was still too big for me.

"Let's go Dani!" All the girls cheered.

"You got this Z, don't stress it!" The boys supported Hunter.

What was this? Battle of the Sexes?

I pushed the puck from side to side in front of me, getting used to how it moves. I felt my old self flood back for a moment and smiled, she knew all about this stuff.

I pushed off my back foot and skated towards Hunter. With the puck out in front of me I moved it from side to side, gaining speed. I met Hunter a quarter ways to the goal and he started playing defense.

It wasn't like he scared me, it's just he was good at what he did. After all he was a hockey player and I'm just a girl who remembers playing knee hockey in her living room. He was able to poke the puck away from me but I was faster to get it back, skating to the side it almost seemed impossible to get around him.

But little nine year old me knows she would do anything possible to get to that goal. So that's what I did. I pulled the puck back for a split second before pushing it out and attacking the goal. I was getting somewhere even if it meant skating around the back of the goal.

I met Hunter in front of the net and pulled a move on him, faking going one way and going the other. I heard him gasp at the realization and I skated as fast as I could towards the goal. He was right next to me before I pulled the puck back and backhanding it into the net.

I hear all the girls cheer me on and I smile at the look on all of the guys' faces, especially Hunter's. He was shaking his head as I skated up to him, "Just a figure skater, right?" I threw his words back at him.

Laughing, I skated away and towards everyone else who were plenty shocked at my performance.

"How did you do that?!" Cal asked.

"Let's just say I've had a little experience in hockey before." I shrugged it off.

"Where did you learn that?" Briggs asked.

"I used to play when I was younger, I stopped playing in seventh grade and switched to figure skating." I explained.

"You were doing that, in seventh grade?" Carter looked confused.

"What can I say? I guess I'm a natural." I boast and he rolls his eyes.

"Hey Hunter, she might be good but I'll be holding this over your head forever!" Marty shouts.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Hunter waved it off. "Why don't you play goal against her Mart, you're our goalie after all."

"I think I'm okay, I value my pride," he says.

I laugh and skate toward the bucket of pucks, "You guys wanna see something cool?" I asked.

"There's more?" Carter was shocked.

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