chapter thirty six: a kindergarten project

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"Why the fuck is her bed so messy?" I hear a not so quiet whisper.

"I don't know, she has a lot of work I guess."

I groan at the sound of their voices and roll over, only to hear the crunching of papers as I do.

I blink open my eyes to see Allie and Bev standing over me. "What?"

"Oh she's awake," Allie laughs.

I sit up and rub my eyes as I look at the bed. It has papers scattered everywhere and my laptop at the end of my feet.

Did I fall asleep working?

"What time is it?" I ask, gathering the papers together.

"Almost three," Bev smiles down at me.

"Oh my god..." I brought my hand up to my face.

"Yeah, now let's get up sleepy. We have work to do." Bev pep talks me and pulls me out of bed.

I heard a ruckus downstairs as we left my room. What the hell is going on down there?

"It's up!" I heard them yell.

Walking down the stairs I saw a trail of pine needles from the door leading into the living room.

I pushed my hair back as I stepped into the living room. There was a huge tree that stood next to the TV, and it was extremely tall.

"What the fuck." I said as all the guys backed away from the tree. "Bev this thing is–"

"Massive." she cuts me off. "Yeah, I know. It was the only one they had left besides the ones so short you could put them on the counter." she rolled her eyes.

I nodded and turned back to the group, scanning the faces I realized Raven and Cal were missing. "Hey where are Rave and Cal?" I asked.

"Classes," Briggs shrugged.

My eyes widened at his answer, "Oh shit!" I covered my mouth.

"What?" Carter laughs.

"I have class in half an hour," I complained.

"Just skip it." Allie said.

"I can't. I've already missed so much from last week. Can someone drive me?" I asked, backing away towards the stairs.

"Uhm I told Ben to take the week off, sorry Dani." Bev shook her head.

Okay, that means no limo which I wasn't expecting anyways, "So how'd you guys get here?" I put my foot on the stair.

"We took Hunter's car!" Jason yelled.

"Can he drive me!?" I shouted back running up the stairs.

I didn't hear an answer as I rushed into my room. I quickly threw on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, not caring how I looked. Putting my hair up in a clip I ran back towards the stairs with my laptop and my bag.

Skidding to the top of the stairs I see Hunter waiting in the foyer. He turned towards me, "Ready?" he asked.

I smiled and jumped down the stairs and opened the door. I cannot afford to be late.

"Which one's your car?" I asked, looking around. Stepping down the stairs I could barely see through the flurries.

"Here." He walked in front of me and I followed him to his car. Getting into the passenger's seat I sneezed. "Someone's sick," he laughed.

"No, but your outside talk over the weekend didn't help." I sniffled.

He let out a small laugh and started the car. I could feel a headache coming on so I rested my head against the window. Yawning I shut my eyes and he drove off.

Thin Ice ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon