chapter fifty nine: we're done

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Hunter's POV

**an hour earlier**

Today felt like any other day. I woke up, I had breakfast, I went to class, practiced, and came home.

Nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary.

Except there was a party tonight. According to Marty a lot of kids were going.

When he told me where it was I understood why. Everyone goes to Greek Row parties. People rarely miss them around here.

I took a shower and threw on some clothes before heading out with Cal. A few minutes later we were driving down the block and it was packed.

The line of cars parked on the road was insane, but those were people just arriving.

How do people throw these things?

We parked far down the road and started walking. It wasn't ideal with the weather but I could manage.

I could hear the music from here and I saw kids wandering, probably on something or drunk, in the middle of the street.

As we walked in, I immediately smelled all the drugs and alcohol.

"They said they're in the back." Cal muffled through his arm.

I nodded and we made our way through everyone, although I'm pretty sure some stepped aside for us.

These team jackets really come in handy sometimes.

I saw Marty standing by a fireplace in the back of the room and walked over to him.

"What's up dude." Marty greeted me.

I took his hand and pulled him in for a quick pat on the back. I did the same for Briggs, Jason, and...Carter?

He's here?


"Woah, you actually showed up tonight." I joked.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." he rolled his eyes at me. "Beers are over here, you want one?"

I turned down the offer. "Nah. I'm driving."

I see him shoot Cal and look and they walk away together. After that it felt like smooth sailing.

The girls arrived a few minutes later without Dani, so I texted her.

When I put my phone away I felt this all too familiar pressure go straight to my head.

Oh no.

I let out a breath in shock. I haven't felt anything like this in almost a month. I thought she was gone.

But from what my head is telling me, she's not.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I reach for it and Dani texts me that she's here.


It's not like I can tell her to not come anymore. But I'm sure she wouldn't listen if I did.

I mean, we're actually dating now, so why am I even thinking about telling her to leave?

She's my best chance to get Kelsey away.

But that still doesn't mean I want them to talk to each other.

I turn around and find her standing a few feet away with her arm over her nose. I force a small smile before walking towards her.

"I know, it smells pretty bad in here." I mention.

Her eyes narrow at me. "You don't look happy to see me." I could pick up the slightest bit of sarcasm in her voice.

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