chapter thirty one: need

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**a/n - took some time bc i had to pay for y'all's therapy sessions

btw Callum and Dani aren't cousins they just have a bond like that and if they're ever in trouble they say they're related

so sorry if i confused like...everyone**


Everything after the ambulance was a blur. I remember being pushed down a very bright hallway, which my head did not take a liking to. Next thing I knew I was here.

I couldn't see anything, everything was dark, but I wasn't panicking. I had lost all senses, smell, sight, sound, sight but I could still feel, and I could feel someone next to me.

Their presence was so strong and so comforting. I don't know why I felt this way but I felt safe, protected when they were near me.

My body took note of this feeling and turned it into warmth, especially my hand. It felt on fire, as if whoever was there was holding it.

I felt their touch slip and I wanted to reach out for them, have them come back.

When the warmth returned I didn't want them to let go. I didn't know if I could do anything, show them a sign of some sort.

I had a bad feeling about them leaving again and I didn't want that happening. Something told me if they did, things wouldn't go well.


I don't know how long it's been but I knew at some point they would let go, and when they did my entire body went cold. I was calm but I felt vulnerable, and I hated it.

I hated the feeling that they were gone, the coldness I was left in. Time seemed to stretch as I was left in the frigid dark. I craved the feeling of them again.

I needed to feel their touch, I needed the heat throughout my body, I needed my hand to be on fire, I needed to feel safe.

Whoever was out there, next to me, I didn't want them back,

I needed them back.


I felt like I had been up for hours, trapped inside my head. I felt a small shock go up my spine-wait. I felt a shock go up my spine?

Then I started to hear muffled voices around me and I smelt...a burrito?

What the...

"Oh my god, she's waking up..." I heard someone say.

I started to blink my eyes open, slowly adjusting to the light. I groaned, not being able to lift my head and instead rolling it to the side.

"Beverly..." I saw her sitting in a chair, "What are you doing here?" I asked groggily.

"Hey," she said lowly, "How do you feel?"

"Like shit," I tried rolling my eyes but stopped when I felt pain in my head, "Ow."

"Sorry girl, you can't roll your eyes for like a month," she confesses. I hear the others laugh and shift myself, feeling a pain in my abdomen.

I look down to see that I'm in a hospital gown, then I see tubes that were patched into my arm.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Nine o'clock." I heard Allie say.

"You guys are nine in the morning?" I ask to clarify. They all nod at me, "You're crazy."

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