chapter twenty seven: dry cereal

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I rolled my eyes as he walked away and I went over to the cabinet to get something to eat. I took out a bag of cereal and poured myself a bowl. When I set the bag down I heard the doorbell ring.

I took the bowl and walked over, there were a few more knocks before I got to the door, "Okay, okay we get it," I opened the door, "stop knock-ing..." I looked up and saw a lot of people at the door.

It was a small group of guys who all looked to be around the same age. I glanced at each of their faces but no one looked familiar.

"Carter I told you to stop knocking," One of the guys said.

"Well it worked didn't it?" he motioned towards me.

They all focused back on me, "Uhm I'm sorry. Who are you?" I asked.

"Carter Levesque and please tell me you're not eating that cereal dry," he shakes his head.

"Carter!" The rest of the group yells at him and one of them hits him in the back of the head.

My mouth parts but I don't say anything as I look at the bowl in my hand and then back at the doorway.


I'm cut off by a hand on my shoulder, "Carter!" I'm nudged behind someone as they greet the men at the door.

"Z, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Carter pulls him into a hug.

"Bold of you to assume that's my girlfriend." Hunter says as he invites them inside.

"Is she not?" Carter asks, looking at me.

"No. I am not his girlfriend." I give Carter a deadly glare.

He doesn't seem to be affected by it and continues, "Oh well you look-"

"Carter." A shorter guy cuts in.


"Shut up." he shakes his head.

"Sorry about him." another one apologizes.

"It's ok...but do you mind telling me who you guys are?" I ask.

"I'm Jason." The shorter one waves. He had really light brown hair and a kiddish smile, definitely a younger man compared to the others.

"Briggs." Another one calls out. He was the only blonde of the group with a tall figure and dark eyes.

"I'm Marty." A bigger guy came forward, he had a muscular figure, his arms looked triple the size of mine with the muscle built on them.

"And I'm-"

"Carter. Yeah I kind of figured that out," I threw him a look, "And just so you know...I wasn't going to eat this cereal dry." I mocked his prior words and walked away, hearing the guys laugh behind me.

Walking into the kitchen I found Addie sitting on the stool so I sat next to her. "Don't tell me you're going to eat that dry." she laughed, mocking Carter.

"Funny." I gave her a stare and opened the fridge. "Who even are these people, Addie?"

"All hockey boys, they're teammates." she said looking down at her phone.

I poured the milk into the bowl and groaned, "You're joking right?"

"No...why, you've got a problem with that?" she let out a short laugh.

"Yes I do. Hockey men are such self-centered assholes," I complained.

"So you're calling Cal a self-centered asshole?" she presses looking up from her phone.

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