chapter eight: seems like a douche

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When I walked into the house I immediately felt uncomfortable. Although it was legal, booze always made me feel weird. So I never drank it.

That may have been why I stopped showing up at parties or ever stayed long. I always felt out of place because everyone around me was drunk or had a drink in their hand.

Sounds silly since my job is to serve it but I kind of got used to it.

Ryan walked me over to some people on the couch. I sat down next to him and he put his arm over my shoulder. I shot him a look but he just smiled at me.

I glanced at the people in front of me. All of them had their eyes on the both of us. I saw one girl give me a dirty glare.

What's her problem?

I will admit I felt pretty awkward but having Ryan next to me made me feel safe. I don't really know why but he just did.

I heard a loud chuckle come from in front of me. I looked over the people on the and saw someone I'd never seen before.

He walked with a drink in hand and a girl on his arm, giggling about whatever he said. I followed him with my eyes before he walked too far behind me.

Who's that?

I shrugged it off and turned back to Ryan who was looking at me. "Yeah that guy, he's a real dick," he complained.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"Hunter. He's a real nuisance at practice," he scoffs.

"He's on the team?"

"He's new and he thinks he owns the place. Not very fun to play with," he explains.

"Seems like a douche," I shrugged.

"He is," Ryan agrees.

I turned my head back to the group. Most of them had engaged in a different conversation.

"Mind introducing me to your friends." I motioned towards the group.

"Yeah." he laughed, turning towards his friends.

He introduced me to everyone and they seemed okay. Lots of the girls had the same story and it was boring to hear on repeat. Same sorority, majors, everything.

Looked like his friends had a type.

"Hey Dani?" he asked.


"Can I take you out sometime?" he asked with a smile.

"Like...just me and you?" I raised a brow at his question.

"Yes, just you and me," he grinned.

"I'm off tomorrow," I smiled.

"Seven?" he asks.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

A date with Ryan. How could I say no.

a date with Ryan?

nothing could go wrong.... right?

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