Chapter 30

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Song listed at the top: Elastic hearts by Sia sped up
Call Out My Name by Weeknd
Spotify playlist can also be played through link in bio

If there is something I learned these past few months of my life is that no one could ever be good enough, trust worthy enough and you will only find peace within your own comfort

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If there is something I learned these past few months of my life is that no one could ever be good enough, trust worthy enough and you will only find peace within your own comfort. 

It's been weeks. 

Weeks since I lost everything, weeks since I had my trust betrayed in the most utterly heart-breaking way. 

How one could do this to another? I don't know because I am still fighting for myself. 

For the woman who has been in a coma for the past few weeks too. The woman in that has the small part of me. 

Sasha has been unconscious since getting shot. The bullet went through what I thought was her heart but was missed by an inch but since she hasn't been conscious, we don't know what she went through. We don't know what Matteo did to her.

The trail is going on and each day it makes me question if fighting is even worth it.

I didn't see Arius not once. I don't know what I would do if he came in front of me. Showed his face after lying to me about everything, even himself to a point I questioned my own existence. He didn't come after me, he didn't run to explain anything to me.

What am I supposed to do with myself when his whole plan all along was to bring my father down by using me? 

What do I believe when he was on this mission for years to disrupt the underworld Mafia? 

The only life I had known was being burnt in flames even if I didn't love it as much. No one around me came to me, to console me and I have been holding onto this small hope for Sasha. For when she wakes up and asks me what happened. 

This small hope is day by weakening and I am not sure how long I can hold on.

It feels cold, it feels lonely and it feels useless to be breathing when I can give my soul a rest from all of this. 

Sitting in the chair I have been sitting in for so long makes me think about what I could do. 

The once woman that loved the thrill of danger is sitting helplessly as she has nothing in her control. I am sitting here, in this hospital room wondering what even is there to a life where you have nothing waiting for you?


I thought trusting him was a wise choice, I was ready to bear myself bare to him. He was everything to me, within months he carved his way into my heart and I didn't know how to hold on without him anchoring me. 

The way his eyes filled up with guilt as he watched me approach him that night in the rain, the ocean restlessly clashing against the shore, the sounds of sirens in the back and yet still not a single muscle moved in his body. 

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